• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Multi-year budgetary and economic programming, one of the items on the agenda of the Cabinet


Mar 21, 2024

BUJUMBURA March 21st (ABP) – The Cabinet met at the Ntare Rushatsi Palace, on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, under the chairmanship of the Head of State Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye. 14 points were on the menu for that meeting. The Cabinet examined at first reading the draft of the revised national development plan of Burundi 2018-2027 and its priority action plan. On second reading, the draft decree determining the roles, responsibilities and relational framework of the actors within the framework of the decentralization of scheduling was analyzed. In the third reading, the multi-year budgetary and economic programming document was analyzed.

Three draft laws on the table of the Cabinet concern the ratification of donation agreements between Burundi and the International Development Association, signed in Bujumbura on January 25, 2024, relating to the additional financing of the support project for foundations of digital economy (PAFEN), project financing for access to financing for the importation of strategic products and additional financing for the Jiji and Mulembwe hydroelectric project.

                                                          View of Cabinet members

Among the items on the agenda of the Cabinet also included the analysis of 3 draft laws relating to agreements signed in Libreville on February 16, 2024, between Burundi and Gabon. That is a general agreement cooperation agreement, a trade agreement and an agreement relating to labor cooperation between Burundi and Gabon.

The other points which were the subject of analysis by the Cabinet relate to the draft decree establishing, missions, organization and functioning of the national committee of the continental free trade zone; the information note on the report of the commission responsible for producing the calculations of contributions and late payment increases for the careers of ex PMPA and complement of the careers of demobilized or retired people.

The Cabinet also looked at the project for preparation, response and resilience to health emergencies in Burundi as part of phase II of that program in Eastern and Southern Africa and the Draft decree withdrawing concessionary land to the Tanganyika Tile Industry Company. At last reading, the Cabinet analyzed the note for setting the price for cherry coffee producers.