• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Closing of the ordinary parliamentary session of December 2023


Mar 2, 2024

BUJUMBURA March 2nd (ABP) – The Speaker of the National Assembly of Burundi, Mr. Gélase Daniel Ndabirabe, closed the ordinary parliamentary session of December 2023 on Thursday February 29, 2024, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

That session was attended by the President of the Supreme Court, the President of the Constitutional Court, members of the government, the Attorney General of the Republic, senior officials of the National Assembly, members of the diplomatic and consular corps accredited to the Burundi, representatives of international organizations, members of the Defense and Security Corps, representatives of specialized national Commissions and Councils, representatives of approved political groups, and representatives of religious faiths and civil society.

In his speech, the Speaker of the National Assembly indicated that the closing day of a session provides the opportunity to take stock of the activities accomplished by that institution with regard to legislation, control of action government, the representation of the people and parliamentary diplomacy.

                                                                                          View of participants

Regarding the voting of laws, the National Assembly analysed and adopted seven draft laws. That is the bill revising the general state budget for the 2023-2024 financial year, the bill revising law number 1/03 of May 7, 2016 governing the management of public debt, the bill revising law number 1/13 of April 23, 2015 reorganizing the electricity sector in Burundi, the bill ratifying by the Republic of Burundi the grant agreement number E2650-BI for the financing of the project for employment and economic transformation in Burundi between the Republic of Burundi and the International Development Association (IDA) and others.

In terms of representation and control of government action, the National Assembly received clarifications on certain actions carried out or being carried out by the government, through oral question sessions. Oral questions were addressed to the Minister of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS; to the Minister of Infrastructure, Equipment and Social Housing; and to the Minister of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines. The Court of Auditors also presented its general report for the year 2022 before the National Assembly meeting in plenary. For his part, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Burundi presented his institution’s report for the period from November 23, 2022 to December 31, 2023 before the National Assembly. The Independent National Human Rights Commission (CNIDH), for its part, presented its annual activity report for the 2023 financial year. During the plenary session of December 7, 2023, the Assembly approved 7 candidate members of the Independent National Electoral Commission (CENI).

Concerning field raids, the standing committee on justice and human rights initiated a raid on the various judicial services to inquire about the situation in order to give its contribution in the direction of relieving prison congestion. The President of the National Assembly took that opportunity to encourage the Head of State, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, for his good initiatives to pardon certain prisoners with a view to improving the conditions of detention of those still serving their sentences.

During the various field trips that the deputies carried out during that session, a good growing season was noted despite some difficulties linked mainly to climate change. Mr. Ndabirabe congratulated the government which enabled the timely availability of selected seeds and fertilizer, and encouraged it to coordinate well with agri-breeders in order to significantly increase production.

In terms of parliamentary diplomacy, delegations from the National Assembly participated in several activities organized outside the country. He cited the 80th session of the executive committee and the 45th conference of presidents of the national parliamentary assemblies of the African Parliamentary Union (UPA), the regional parliamentary assemblies of the Organization of African, Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), and the 1st OACPS-EU Parliamentary Assembly. The delegations coming on a working or courtesy visit were received in audience by members of the office of the National Assembly.

Mr. Ndabirabe did not forget to point out that security is a sine qua none condition for achieving the 2040-2060 vision. The National Assembly calls on all citizens to preserve it, each in their locality, in collaboration with all forces within the framework of the quadrilogy. The National Assembly deplores the terrorist attack perpetrated on Sunday February 25, 2024 in the locality of Buringa, in Gihanga commune of Bubanza province, which caused human and material damage. The National Assembly joins the government in condemning that despicable act and presents its condolences to the families affected by the loss of their loved ones. He invited the representatives of the people who are going on parliamentary recess to raise awareness among the population concerned, first and foremost, on the issues of safeguarding peace and security, and the fight against poverty.