• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Adoption of the draft decree harmonizing the method of advancement in grades, bonuses, compensation and title enhancements in public institutions with special bylaws


Jan 10, 2024

BUJUMBURA, January 10th (ABP) – The Cabinet met on Wednesday, January 3, 2024, in Gitega, under the chairmanship of the Head of State, Evariste Ndayishimiye.

According to a press release from the Secretary General of the State, Jérôme Niyonzima, among the items that were analyzed is the draft decree harmonizing the method of advancement in grades, bonuses, compensation and title enhancements in public institutions with special bylaws, which was presented by the Minister of Civil Service, Labor and Employment, Venuste Muyabaga.

The draft decree harmonizes the method of advancement in grades, bonuses and compensation as well as title enhancements in the various institutions with special bylaws, in order to combat the disparities observed.

Concerning advancement in grades in most of those institutions, advancements are made after a period which varies between 2 and 4 years, with a percentage which varies from 3% to 28% of the base salary.

The bill proposes that this advancement take place every six years and that the rate be set at 7% of the base salary achieved. However, the evolution of academic grades linked to the publications of teaching staff of public universities remains subject to their own regulations.

Regarding bonuses and allowances in most institutions, the release of administrative career advancement automatically leads to increases in certain bonuses and allowances, notably accommodation and transport, which are granted as a percentage of the base salary, generally between 60% and 15% of base salary. It is proposed to make all bonuses and allowances fixed with reference to the amounts reached before release (June 2023), in order to keep acquired rights on the one hand and to avoid continual increases, on the other hand.

The teaching staff of public universities are subject to the provisions of this decree with regard to housing and transport, the press release from the Secretary General of the State has specified.

As for the enhancement of qualifications within institutions with special bylaws, when an employee follows on-the-job training, the certificate or diploma obtained is sanctioned by an enhancement of the qualification of a certain percentage of the base salary, generally from 5% to 20% or a change in professional category.

It is proposed to harmonize these bonus rates so that 3% of the salary is for training of 2 to 5 months and 6% of the basic salary for training of more than 5 months.

In the case where the training is certified by a diploma, the latter is valued taking into consideration the recruitment level of the institution.

                                                                                                            View of the Cabinet members

After analysis, the bill was passed, subject to certain recommendations. It is required to improve the presentation note of the draft decree to clearly show the objective pursued and why certain institutions are not included. It is necessary to refer to the law revising the budget for the 2023/2024 financial year and delete the reference to other budgetary laws. It is worth noting that this harmonization is transitional pending the alignment of all structures operating with the State budget to the fair salary policy.

The Cabinet members also proposed to accelerate the process of developing the fair wage policy so that its implementation begins with the next budget year. The other recommendation is that an article must be inserted which specifies that all institutions concerned by this decree and having already carried out the administrative release before the signing of that decree must comply with it.

It was also recommended to calculate the budgetary impact that will be caused by the implementation of the decree as well as that signed in September 2023 and adopt the single method of calculating salaries for all institutions from the 2024/2025 budget year.

In terms of miscellaneous items, the Cabinet members recommended to the minister responsible for public service and that responsible for social affairs, to accelerate the file relating to the retirement pension so that it is closed as quickly as possible.

The Cabinet members also returned to security. Regarding the attack on peaceful citizens which happened in Gatumba at the night of December 23, 2023, they again firmly condemned the support that the Republic of Rwanda gives to the Red Tabara group, perpetrator of such a despicable act.

Despite numerous promises by the Rwandan government to extradite the mastermind of that group so that they can be brought to justice, the attack revealed the questioning of ongoing diplomatic efforts and represents irrefutable proof that all discussions resulted in nothing.

To that end, the Cabinet members reiterated the firm commitment to take all measures at its disposal to protect the people against the despicable acts of the said group “supported by Kigali”.