• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Towards the establishment of a three-month temporary pass to facilitate the movement of border populations


Dec 15, 2023

MAKAMBA December 14th (ABP) – A meeting of Ujirani Mwema (Good Neighborhood) was held on Tuesday December 12, 2023, in Nyanza-Lac, Makamba province, between the governors of the border provinces of the United Republic of Tanzania and the authorities of the Kigoma Region, in Tanzania, to assess the security situation, in which they analysed issues related to the good cohabitation of populations, and the development of border localities, and security, a check on the site by ABP has disclosed.

At the end of that meeting, they agreed to facilitate the border population to have a temporary pass of more or less three months for their free movement. They also agreed that joint operations and exchanges of criminals between the defence and security services will be strengthened. Furthermore, social infrastructure will be built at the border while the population will be made aware of the laws that govern the temporary zone.

They also agreed to set up a secretariat to manage Ujirani mwema activities while meetings will be organized in each province in turn.

That meeting was attended by members of the joint security committees from the provinces of Makamba, Rumonge, Rutana, Ruyigi, Cankuzo and Muyinga, while the Tanzanian delegation came from the Kigoma region.

The Tanzanian border provinces bordering Burundi are Kigoma and Kagera as well as Katavi. Note that the Ujirani mwema meetings began in 2004, with a view to strengthening peace and security and improving the living conditions of the populations at the border.