• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Salary forecasts for the 2022/2023 financial year did not cover additional salary expenditure following the administrative release and fictitious career advancement carried out in the civil service sector


Dec 15, 2023

BUJUMBURA December 11th (ABP) – “The salary forecasts for the 2022/2023 financial year did not cover additional salary expenses following the administrative release and fictitious career advancement carried out in the public service sector,” indicated the Minister of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning, Audace Niyonzima, before the Cabinet held on Wednesday December 6, 2023, we learn from the content of the press release issued by the general secretariat of the government.

                                                                View of the government’s members

During the presentation of the annual report on the execution of the State budget, fiscal year 2022-2023, the Minister in charge of Finance noted that this report highlights the particularity of budget execution for this fiscal year compared to previous budgets. , following the start of program budgets and program contracts with the 2022-2023 financial year. “As it was the first year of starting the budget in program mode, difficulties in executing it arose. Also the budgetary forecasts for expenditures which were to be subject to public procurement presented a need to be refinanced because the prices on different categories of goods were not stable.

The press release continues to specify that revenue collection for the 2022-2023 budget year recorded a poor performance of 93.5%. While in terms of expenditure, the liquidation rate of the state budget at the end of the 2022-2023 budget year is 95.6%.

After analysis, this report was approved with the recommendation to prepare this report quarterly and analyze it before the expenditure commitment ceilings.

According to this press release, the Council of Ministers also analyzed and approved the bill revising Law No. 1/022 of November 6, 2018 amending Law No. 1/18 of May 15, 2014 relating to creation, mandate, composition, organization and functioning of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).

When the mandate of the National Commission on Land and Other Property (CNTB) expired in March 2022, leaving behind many files awaiting processing, the Government finds “that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission could accomplish this mission because the missions of the two commissions overlap somewhere.

This bill gives the Commission the authority to know the files which were pending before the CNTB and the files not yet submitted to this commission before the end of its mandate. Stipulating that, “the decisions of the Commission in matters of land and other property will be subject to appeal before the Special Court of Land and Other Property”.

For cases of successful amicable settlement, this project provides for the ratification of the settlement agreement by the Special Court of Lands and Other Property, in order to make it unassailable by subsequent commissions or jurisdictions. It also provides for the creation, within the Commission, of a department which is responsible for handling disputes related to Land and other Property. At the level of each province, the number of executives to be assigned will depend on the volume of conflicts.

The Council of Ministers further analyzed and adopted the draft law ratifying by the Republic of Burundi the agreement between the government of the Republic of Burundi and the Government of the Russian Federation on cooperation in the field of nuclear energy.

According to the explanations provided by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, Burundi is faced with energy needs, this cooperation with the Russian Federation will allow Burundi to limit its energy dependence by producing its own source of sustainable energy.

Burundi has based itself on the expertise acquired by Russia in this area, which “makes it particularly well placed to meet Burundi’s expectations, according to the press release from the General Secretariat of State.