• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Albino people demand to be taken into consideration


Dec 4, 2023

KAYANZA December 4th (ABP) – People living with albinism face quite a few specific problems and call on everyone to help them so that they feel comfortable like the rest of the people. That was mentioned on Thursday November 30, 2023 by the project manager within the Albinos without borders association in Burundi, Ferdinand Ngendakumana, during a meeting organized by the administration in Kayanza province, in collaboration with the Union of Baptist Churches of Burundi, with a view to discussing strategies aimed at promoting the rights of children in general and albinos in particular, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

During that meeting, Mr. Ngendakumana mentioned bodily illnesses often tending to body cancer especially when the albino is exposed to the sun, as well as discrimination both in their respective families, in the community and at school.

To remedy all those challenges, he asked the government to facilitate their access to medical care. He asked the teachers to sit close to the board to better see what was written there.

To parents, he recommended that they no longer discriminate against them but rather consider them like others, especially when it comes to enrolling their children in school.

Despite their specific problems, the project manager within Albino Without Borders urged his peers to roll up their sleeves, especially by joining the rest of the population in cooperatives so as not to fall behind in terms of development.

The chief of staff of the governor of Kayanza province, Mr. Vianney Ndikumana, invited the people of Kayanza not to leave albinos aside when it comes to development projects and to treat them like so many others because, they have the ability to work in any field.

It should be noted that Kayanza province today has between 120 and 130 albinos.