• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Now, cancer is a reality in the community


Nov 3, 2023

BUJUMBURA October 3rd (ABP) – The Association of Women Journalists (AFJO), in collaboration with the Uzima Association, organized, Tuesday, October 31, 2023, in Bujumbura, an information activity for women and girls’ journalists on breast cancer.

In that activity, the president of Uzima, Dr. Tania Gahama Ineza announced that the month of October, also called “pink October”, is the month dedicated to raising awareness of the fight against breast cancer throughout the world.

Since 1985, during the month of October, many organizations have led the campaign dedicated to raising awareness against breast cancer. It is in that context that the Uzima association was chosen for that campaign in order to organize conversations about breast cancer, she said.

                                                                   View of the participants

Dr. Gahama indicated that breast cancer exists globally and internationally, and is the first cancer with the highest mortality and incidence in the world.

That cancer attacks more often, on the one hand, women because, one in 12 women suffer from it during their life and men on the other hand. For the latter, that cancer is a genetic factor, she pointed out. There is no direct cause of breast cancer, but there are certain people who are more at risk than others due to obesity or older age. She added that knowing about breast cancer allows each woman to better make a screening plan.

Dr. Gahama did not forget to point out that the right attitude to take in the face of that cancer is to recognize the signs that can announce it. Those are the appearance of a thick mass on the skin, the appearance of a dimple, unusual fluid, wounds on the breast as well as the changed shape of the waist.

During early detection, the remedy is to do self-examination, do screening regularly and finally, consult the doctor for treatment as quickly as possible.

She invited the people to be screened so that we can reduce the risk of death from breast cancer by 60% and change the image of that disease in society.