• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Announcement of the 3rd edition of the “Come and Meet your Business Partner Event”


Nov 3, 2023

BUJUMBURA October 30th (abp) – The presenter of the company U-Invest, Mr. Ezekiel Hatungimana organized, Thursday October 26, 2023, in Bujumbura, a press conference during which he announced the 3rd edition of the “Come and Meet your Business Partner Event” event, which will take place on December 7, 2023.

According to Mr. Hatungimana, the vision of U-Invest is to identify opportunities and communicate them to people who can invest in them. That event targets entrepreneurs, investors, students or any other individual with an innovative idea, he noted. Financial institutions which often work with small and medium-sized businesses are also the target of that event where there is the establishment of a platform to help investors meet entrepreneurs in order to build solid businesses that will meet the needs of Burundian society. According to Mr. Hatungimana, such an event also targets the Burundian diaspora who are expected to come and invest in their country of origin. “The diaspora must understand the investment opportunities in Burundi,” he said while hoping that that event will give them a chance to participate to see and understand to what extent they can invest. He also had to indicate that that event will take place virtually and in person to help the Burundian diaspora to participate without, however, remotely.

As Mr. Hatungimana indicated, the 1st edition recorded 82 participants despite certain challenges that characterized the preparations for the latter. The 2nd edition experienced a certain improvement compared to the 1st because it recorded 120 participants, he underlined.

At each event, he noted, different themes are developed. During the 1st edition, subjects such as “Business law” and “Raising public awareness of the benefit of having their goods and services insured” were in the spotlight. Compared to the 2nd edition, “The financial market” was the theme which was largely developed.

Compared to the 3rd edition, the representative of U-Invest mentioned an improvement compared to subsequent editions where the ministry responsible for tourism was asked to talk much more about tourism. A topic on B to B (Business to Business much making) which is a way of creating a platform for entrepreneurs to meet with investors to do a sustainable business will be developed on that day of the event. A speaker of British origin was asked to address the said subject.

As for expectations, Mr. Hatungimana says that at the end of that conference participants will be able to understand how they can sell their businesses outside Burundi by creating sustainable and profitable businesses elsewhere. Concerning the subjects that will be covered during that event, he mentioned the theme of renewable energies. He indicated that, through his experience, he was able to see those other countries in the sub-region, like Kenya, are ahead in that area. He also estimated that the development of that subject will, in some way, allow participants to locate where they can invest. That presenter from the company U-Invest did not forget to specify that panels will be organized between experts in each field and the speakers who will have presented in order to bring the participants to a better understanding of the subject developed which will allow them to position yourself to invest.