• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Closing of the seminar for Belt and Road Journalism Organization Executives


Aug 4, 2023

ZHEJIANG July 31st (ABP) – – The Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at Zhejiang Normal University (ZJNU), Fu Guanfu, proceeded on Monday, July 31, 2023, at the premises of the College of Design and Innovation of that university, at the closing of the seminar for Belt and Road Journalism Organization Executives, hosted since August 18, 2023, as part of sharing with media professionals from developing countries, the experience of the People’s Republic of China in the media sector in the current era.

On behalf of ZJNU, Mr. Guanfu, warmly congratulated all the participants for successfully completing the seminar and expressed his sincere gratitude to all the staff who worked harder for the success of the said seminar.

During the two-week seminar, “we shared with the participants the development of Chinese media in different historical periods and introduced the living practices of China’s media to tell stories and spread the image of the country”. During this time, participants also experienced Chinese Taijiquan (martial art). They visited culturally distinctive attractions such as the archaeological ruins of Liangzhu City and West Lake, where they were immersed in the great charm of intangible cultural heritage,” Mr. Guanfu recalled.

To that end, he felt that the attendees gained a deeper understanding of China, a clearer image of local convergence media in China as well as a better understanding of the short video industry and the film industry in China.

In the same vein, the Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection at ZJNU reported having gained knowledge on the development, current situation and achievements of the media industry in different countries. Thus, he pointed out that there are huge potentials for cooperation in the field of media between Belt and Road Countries and China.

“When you return home, hopefully you can serve as a bridge to facilitate communication between your respective countries and China, based on what you have seen, heard and learned during the seminar. By giving full play to your own strengths, you are expected to introduce China to the people around you in an objective and comprehensive manner, and let them know what China is truly like, thereby promoting extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits between the Belt and Road countries and China,” he said.

Mr. Guanfu did not fail to point out that cultures become diversified through exchange and rich through mutual learning. He closed his remarks while hoping that participants can keep in touch and share successful experiences in media convergence, working together to seek the high-quality development in media industry.

“We look forward to seeing you again in China, in Zhejiang province and at ZJNU, so that we can continue to write a beautiful chapter of friendship between Belt and Road countries and China! By joining hands together, we will promote the development of the global media industry,” he concluded.

Mohamad Jamal Mahmoud Abu Khader from Jerusalem, who spoke on behalf of all the participants, said that thanks to the arrangements made by ZJNU and the Ministry of Commerce of China, the participants had the opportunity to cooperate closely and make fruitful exchanges with experts involved in news media in China.

Mr. Mohamad Jamal Mahmoud Abu Khader

“We took lessons that deepened our knowledge in the highly specialized areas of journalism, communications, skills development, not to mention the image of China’s rich cultural heritage,” he said with joy.

He thanked the several university teams that have worked closely together to deliver those valuable programs to help participants get a better understanding of how the news media of the Belt and Road countries should operate, and how one can learn from the successful stories of the Chinese News Media.

He felt that the achievements will be useful in the respective countries of the participants. “I hope that we can all take advantage of the knowledge and experiences gained in the seminar, implement them in our daily reporting and help advance the flow of information in the Belt and Road countries,” he added. He warmly thanked the ZJNU team headed by Professor Yu Tao Chris, for the warm welcome extended to the participants.

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To make a long story short, it is worthy to note that the closing ceremony of the seminar for Belt and Road Journalism Organization Executives ended with the handing of certificates to all seminar attendees.