• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Head of State has received in audience a group of investors from the United Arab Emirates and the Ambassador of the Netherlands to Burundi


May 26, 2023

BUJUMBURA May 26th (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Evariste Ndayishimiye, received in audience, on Wednesday May 24, 2023, a group of investors from the United Arab Emirates, specialized in the exploitation of Nickel, as well as the ambassador of the Netherlands to Burundi.

At the end of the audience, the spokesperson for the President of the Republic, Mrs. Guilène Rosine Gatoni, indicated that those investors from the company “International Holding Campany”, came to respond to the appeal launched by the government of Burundi, inviting those who want to invest in the mining sector, particularly in the exploitation of Nickel.

According to her, that group took the opportunity to present the expression of interest to the Head of State and also to testify to their expertise which can be seen in different countries. It was an opportunity for them to share international expertise in the exploitation of mining resources, including gold, nickel, and other types of minerals.

Mrs. Gatoni did not fail to point out that apart from the exploitation of minerals, those investors support in the capacity building of technicians in terms of mining. They also support the setting up of infrastructures up to the marketing and export of the products they operate. This is the case of the establishment of roads where the need arises, the rehabilitation of ports and networking with other international ports.

On that occasion, the Head of State welcomed them and opened the doors to all the technical sectors concerned. He encouraged them to deepen the discussions at the level of the office of strategic development studies at the Presidency of the Republic and the ministry responsible for Mines. He also recommended that discussions with those technical services can begin as soon as possible, in order to achieve win-win partnership frameworks that lead to efficient exploitation of Burundi’s wealth.

The Head of State did not forget to point out that those investors come at the right time at a time when Burundi is at the start of its development and at the beginning of the Scheme which leads Burundi towards an emerging country in 2040 and a developed one in 2060. Private sector investments will go a long way towards achieving this vision.

As for the ambassador of the Netherlands to Burundi, Mr. Steeghs Jeroen Theodorus, he has come to present to him the cooperation program between the Netherlands and Burundi, for a 4-year period, according to Mrs. Gatoni.

Their discussions focused on the state of play of the programs being implemented in Burundi with the support of the Netherlands. The ambassador cited the support program for Burundian youth through education, explaining that the Netherlands supports technical schools but also through training for Burundian youth in entrepreneurship. He also presented the support program for agriculture which has a place of choice for the development of Burundi.

                                        The Head of State receives in audience the Dutch Ambassador to Burundi

According to Mrs. Gatoni, the Head of State thanked the Dutch Ambassador to Burundi for the various programs supported by his country. The Head of State shared with him the vision of Burundi, as an emerging country in 2040 and a developed one in 2060, for the Netherlands to support Burundi through the various programs drawn up to achieve that vision. He cited good governance, the restoration of justice, the fight against corruption, the empowerment of young Burundians, the development of the agricultural sector, and the budget-program.