• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The EU Ambassador in Burundi paid a visit to the ABP


May 7, 2023

BUJUMBURA May 7th  (abp) – The Ambassador of the European Union (EU) in Burundi, Mr. Claude Bochu accompanied by some members of the University of Burundi (UB) carried out, on Wednesday April 03, 2023, a descent to the Burundi News Agency (ABP) where he visited his photo library.

At the end of that guided tour, Mr. Bochu, in an interview granted to the press, let it be known that he was both amazed by the quantity of documents and their originality, but also saddened by their state of conservation. That is how he specified that, together with other partners, they will examine ways to try to improve things gradually in order to preserve, codify and digitize that documentation, in the future, so as to ensure its preservation and make it available not only to researchers of the history of Burundi but also to the press who want to illustrate their articles with photos.

The ABP Director General, Mr. Nicolas Barajingwa said that the news produced is illustrated by photo images taken by journalists. Those photos are kept and become archives that can be used for various reasons, he added. He further indicated that the ABP is in possession of an impressive quantity of rich photos of analog archives, which constitute the heritage and the mirror of Burundi. They relate the history of national life in all sectors, from colonization to the present day. Unfortunately, he lamented, these photos are in danger of disappearing because they are kept in an archaic and anarchic way. To do so, he said, the ABP needs funding to properly store its photos in a digital, secure way.

For his part, the professor of history at the University of Burundi (UB), Mr. Melchior Mukuri said that he is particularly happy to be able to participate in this meeting with the EU ambassador to Burundi who attaches great importance to the conservation of that unique photographic heritage in Burundi. In relation to his impressions, he indicates that the ABP photo library is well endowed with a photographic collection. “I believe that it is the only one in Burundi which has an important collection which is also useful for the knowledge of the history, the economy and the politics of our country”, he appreciated. Pr. Mukuri expresses his wish for the preservation of that unique heritage in Burundi: “I would like this colorful heritage to benefit from support so that it can be well preserved and known to the public, not only in Burundi but also abroad who care about our country,” he said.