• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Capacity building for business journalists


Apr 30, 2023

BUJUMBURA April 30th (ABP) – The Network of Economic Journalists of Burundi (REJEBU) held, on Tuesday, April 25, 2023, a capacity building activity for journalists who deal with economic information in different media.

According to the president of this network, Mr. Léonidas Niyonizigiye indicated that REJEBU has directly set up a framework called “info point”. This framework was initiated to allow journalists to exchange experiences and facilitate capacity building in order to have an overview of the field of economics in the treatment of gender issues. Mr. Niyonizigiye calls on his fellow journalists to seize that opportunity offered to them by joining the “info point”.

To the media, he called on them to send at least one journalist. And this with a view to benefiting from capacity building, which, according to him, will allow journalists who deal with economic information to be equipped, with basic knowledge at their disposal. They will thus be able to know how to read the impact of an economic situation on the other sectors of the life of the country, he underlined.