• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The General Secretary of the ruling party participated in the community development works


Apr 19, 2023

BUJUMBURA April 19th  (ABP) – The Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD party, Mr. Réverien Ndikuriyo joined on Saturday, April 15, 2023, the people of Bujumbura City Council, in the community development work that took place at the Intwari stadium, a check on the site by ABP has revealed. Those works also saw the participation of the mayor of the city of Bujumbura, the deputies, the members of the Government, the executives of the State, the administrators and the heads of the zones as well as a mass of the people.

Indeed, approximately 500 bags of cement were granted by various partners, in particular 277 bags of cement offered by the public service mutual fund, 120 bags of cement offered by the mutual aid association of natives of the town hall of Bujumbura working in the defense and security forces as well as 100 bags of cement also donated by football referees.

Secretary General Ndikuriyo indicated in his speech that the construction works of the Intwari stadium are reaching a satisfactory level. He pointed out that there are still 45 days until the deadline they have set for themselves is completed, and within two weeks we will start installing the chairs, he said.

He took the opportunity to thank the Government of Burundi which has already granted 4 billion Fbu to continue the construction activities of the stadium. He also did not fail to thank all the municipalities of the country which contributed 500 million as well as the public and private companies which continue to support this work, which gives the force the means to continue the site.

Mr. Ndikuriyo also reported that after the construction of the Intwari stadium, a project to build a good basketball court in the Ngagara area, in the part commonly called Cecinga, will be started. It is in this context that he challenged the people of Burundi in general and the City of Bujumbura in particular, to be always available to advance the development of Burundi together.