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The CRSNE intervenes in several areas that fit with its goals


Mar 13, 2023

BUJUMBURA MARCH 13th (ABP) – The Center for Research in Natural Sciences and the Environment (CRSNE) of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Burundi is not limited to the supervision of students in research. Depending on the means available, the Center intervenes in other areas that fit with the missions it set itself when it took inception, the director of the said Center, Professor Claver Sibomana told a check by ABP on Friday the 10th of February.

In addition to supervising students in research, the Center takes care of other activities. These include the organization and hosting of scientific conferences on various themes of interest to Burundian society. The CRSNE regularly organizes seminars to popularize the research results published in very high-level scientific journals by its members. In addition, the CRSNE provides services to the community through expert work, particularly in the field of environmental protection, biodiversity conservation, water quality analysis, management and the development of natural resources such as mining, water resources, etc. That center is also involved in the holding of information sessions at the university or through the media on certain important natural phenomena such as landslides, the rising waters of Lake Tanganyika, to name but a few.

The last conference organized for that purpose took place in February 2023, under the theme: Mass movements in the city of Bujumbura: Causes, prevention and management of geological and environmental risks”. All the actors involved in the management of the environment and in particular urbanization were invited to that activity.

In terms of educational supervision, that Centre, which brings together more than 60 ordinary and associate members, supervises more than 20 doctoral students as well as nearly a hundred master’s level students.

The goals of the CRSNE are focused on promoting research in Natural Sciences and the Environment to achieve the goals of socio-economic development in Burundi; the contribution to the training of students, researchers and users of Natural Science and Environment applications in areas of interest to development in both the public and private sectors. In addition, the Center assists and advises both public and private services in the fields of Natural Sciences and the Environment, collects and disseminates the necessary information in the field of Natural Sciences and the Environment.

Prof Sibomana is delighted with the level of training of researchers grouped within the CRSNE. Indeed, he said, most have a doctorate degree and more will obtain it in the near future. Those researchers have been trained in internationally renowned laboratories and are members of several international networks of researchers. In addition, the CRSNE also benefits from the recognition of the University of Burundi as a reference institution in higher education and research in Burundi and in the sub-region. This is why our researchers are called upon for various services related to the field of the environment and natural sciences, Director Sibomana said.

The CRSNE nevertheless faces several challenges. They are linked in particular to the lack of sufficient staff, whether for the administration of the center but also for certain areas of research, the lack of office equipment or laboratories and the lack of premises for various activities. In addition, most researchers are also teachers, thus causing a reduction in the time allotted to research activities following the overload due to the lack of teachers.

To promote research in Burundi, the Director of CRSNE considers that the effective involvement of the public authorities is necessary, thus proposing an increase in the budget allocated to the research sector and other measures aimed at facilitating the obtaining by work tool seekers.