• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

PARCEM launches its new project “our money, our rights.”


Mar 8, 2023

BUJUMBURA March 8th (ABP) – The organization Word and Actions for the Awakening of Consciousness and the Evolution of Mentalities (PARCEM) organized on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 in Bujumbura, a press conference as part of the official launch of the program “our money, our rights” over ten years, based on strengthening budgetary transparency.

A first project of this program “Strengthening budgetary governance as a prerequisite for economic recovery”, was also officially launched during the press conference. According to Faustin Ndikumana, national director of PARCEM, the program supports the government’s efforts in terms of good economic governance. Although Burundi is currently living in a worrying economic situation, he said, PARCEM remains convinced that this situation is in no way inevitable. For him, it takes a will of all to reverse the trend, a situation that requires the contribution of all the sons and daughters of the country, he said.

He further added that good governance implies good budgetary management through transparency, democracy and economic development.

Finally, he pointed out that the project aims to increase the credibility of the country’s budget management capacity, to inspire more confidence in donors and to benefit from consistent and multifaceted financial support.