• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Towards the improvement of judicial activities in Makamba province


Feb 7, 2023

MAKAMBA February 7th (ABP) – The Prime Minister of Burundi, Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca, indicated on Friday, February 3, 2023, in his meeting with the administrative officials, the heads of services, the community leaders as well as the representatives of the population of the Makamba province, that the government will place special emphasis on judicial activities to establish fair justice in that province.

During the meeting, Mr. Ndirakobuca advised justice professionals to do their job impartially and with no distinction. On the case of divorce applications, he stressed that judges should listen to all parties and highlight the importance of the family in Burundian society, meaning that it is where social values are based. He asked them to change their mentality to restore the image of the judiciary.

As for the leaders, Mr. Ndirakobuca advised them to be good examples and work in synergy for sustainable development, and, the latter is possible when the law is applied in the same way to everyone.

The Burundi Prime Minister also asked participants to differentiate public affairs and their properties. Hence, he invited the people to develop their cultivable land to increase agricultural production. To the administrative officials, he ordered them to identify State lands so that they can be harnessed by cooperatives and other vulnerable people who have no land.