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The minister in charge of communication and the one in charge of defense have gone to Bujumbura province


Jan 13, 2023

BUJUMBURA January 13th (ABP) – The Minister of Communication, Information Technology and Media, Léocadie Ndacayisaba and the Minister of National Defense and Veterans, Alain Tribert Mutabazi, made, on Wednesday January 11, 2023, a trip to Bujumbura province (western Burundi), where they met with the people in the headquarters of that province.

Addressing the Minister of Defense and Veterans Affairs, the governor of that province, Désiré Nsengiyumva, indicated that the – Ewe Burundi Urambaye – program monopolizes private land because when trees are grown, there are cases where they grow trees in the fields of individuals, suggesting that this program be carried out only and within 150m from the shore of the lake. To the minister in charge of communication, he said that despite the fiber optic line, that province is not connected to the internet and the networks of telecommunication companies are cut from time to time, and the road leading to the transmitters of Manga is in poor condition, access is difficult and the transport of gas oil and other equipment is done per head.

The two ministers indicated that they came to listen to the grievances of the people, inviting them to ask questions that relate to each ministry.

The questions asked concerned the lands of Nkanga in Gatumba to which people no longer have access since that locality experienced insecurity and as soon as peace has returned, the former occupants wish that they be returned to them. Other questions addressed to the Minister of Defense related to the reintegration of demobilized soldiers, especially from the former Armed Political Parties and Movements (PMPA.

The Minister of Communication was asked questions related to the lack of networks among telecommunication companies, the non-payment of taxes on pylons in the communes by the said companies, the ONATEL Company which does not work as it should and others.

Responding to questions addressed to him, Minister Mutabazi indicated that the Ewe Burundi Urambaye program plants trees where it is shown, but the best is to plant trees in the State land while also favoring agro-forestry trees.

With regard to the land of Nkanga, which today a large part is harnessed by the military, according to the representative of the people, who even spoke of the theft of mature palm trees, Minister Mutabazi replied that there is no reason for those lands not to return to the former owners while security has returned, the governor and the commander of the Gatumba camp will analyze the situation and see how to give them those lands. As for the soldiers who harness those lands, an investigation will be carried out and they will be punished in accordance with the law, adding that the soldiers can contribute in the fight against those thefts of mature palm trees.

To the demobilized from the ex-PMPA who ask for the improvement of living conditions and to be well reintegrated socio-professionally, the minister did not mince words, they must know that they are in society in the same way as other citizens and asked them to participate in the development work of their country. He urged them to team up in cooperatives and apply for loans from banks. The sources have dried up among donors, but the State will see to what extent, with the few means at its disposal, to support them.

As for the minister responsible for communication, she recommended contacting the BBS company to obtain high-speed internet and the lack of connection is due to the geographical configuration of Bujumbura province. She confirmed that access to transmitters of Manga is difficult, calling on the natives to lend a hand to rehabilitate that road.

With regard to the ONATEL company, which is operating in slow motion and is overtaken by other telecommunication companies, Minister Ndacayisaba indicated that ONATEL has had financial difficulties since 2015 but the government is in the process of seeing how to straighten it out.

Complementing the Minister of Communication, the general manager of the company Lumitel Mr. Melchiade Nzopfabarushe, indicated that the province of Bujumbura is the most provided with antennas of the company Lumitel. That company has already had an agreement for the payment of Pylon taxes with the Ministry of the Interior and part of the taxes has already been paid and is in the coffers of the said ministry. The director general of ONATEl said that a plan of recovery is already here, calling on people to subscribe and love that company.