• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The former administrator of Busoni commune publicly handed over the fetishes, during a national prayer crusade


Jan 3, 2023

KIRUNDO January 2nd (ABP) – On the fourth day of the national prayer of thanksgiving in Kirundo province (northern Burundi), the President of the Republic, Evariste Ndayishimiye proceeded on Thursday, December 29, 2022 to moralize the place of the parliamentarians and other executives of the national assembly and the senate, of the decreed and the representatives of the religious confessions, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The former administrator of the Busoni commune (with the microphone) rejects fetishes

In his teachings, the Head of State indicated that each person has his capital which is his strength, from where he urged those executives of the country to use their intelligence and their strength to serve the people well and develop the country. He asked them to change their behavior by renouncing concubinage, corruption etc., and to cling to Almighty God who can help them to become men and women of integrity.

Bishop Déogratias Nshimiyimana of Free Methodist, in his sermon, prayed the cadres of the country to know what God wants from them, it is nothing but to do good works that enhance their personality and that please God.

That day was also characterized by the burial of the fetishes given by the faithful touched by the teachings of the Head of State and the servants of God. Note that the former administrator of Busoni commune in Kirundo province, Mrs. Marie Chantal Hashazinka was among those who handed over these objects and subsequently publicly declared before the Head of State that she renounces these obscurantist practices and promised to cling to God. Those objects were burned by the apostle Isidore Mbayahaga.

Faced with that situation, the President of the Republic indicated that this is the first time that they have witnessed people who publicly renounce obscurantist practices since we began to organize national prayers, which shows, according to him, that the Kirundo province is saved. The Head of State hopes that this province will once again become the breadbasket of the country.

In addition, the youths also followed their teachings facilitated by Father Jean Baptiste Bigirimana in the Gasura parish compound where he urged them to be characterized by love and no longer cling to earthly wealth, but rather to cleave to God.