• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Burundi Red Cross hosted the 11th General Assembly of ACROFA


Sep 28, 2022

BUJUMBURA September 27th (ABP) – The red cross of Burundi hosts from September 22 to 23 this year, the work of the 11th ordinary general assembly of the association of national societies of the red cross and the red crescent of French-speaking, Spanish and Portuguese speaking Africa (ACROFA).

                                                                                                           View of the participants

In her welcoming speech, the President of the Burundi Red Cross Mrs. Christine Ntahe welcomed the representatives of ACROFA member countries who came to participate in the 11th General Assembly being held in Bujumbura.

She also said that the Burundi Red Cross is pleased to host the work of the said general assembly, which consists of evaluating the work of ACROFA which had a 4-year mandate with Mr. Youssouf Traoré of Guinea as president. Conakry. Mrs. Ntahe also specified that the mandate of ACROFA will end with the holding of the general assembly explaining that during that meeting, we will elect a new office.

Taking the floor, the president of ACROFA Mr. Youssouf Traoré first recalled that the objectives of ACROFA is to assist national member societies to develop their capacities, to promote cooperation and exchanges of all kinds between different national societies, their focus on the problems of the international red cross and red crescent movement. There is also the objective of enabling ACROFA to be an effective milestone in the direction of achieving the objectives of the Pan-African conference, encouraging national societies to take measures to reduce the risk of disasters, assisting societies of countries affected by natural disasters or in a state of non-international armed conflict.

He said that since 2018, the 32 African national societies and the 6 associate members that ACROFA brings together have spared nothing to maintain active communication, objective coordination with useful innovations for the success of its humanitarian ambitions. Among the challenges encountered during his mandate, he cited the Covid-19 but specified that the latter could not divert the companies from their initial planning, arguing that together, they were able to anticipate and adapt their strategies to the context without precedent it has generated.