• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Burundi will host the headquarters of CERDOTOLA


Sep 6, 2022

BUJUMBURA September 6th (ABP) – The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation Albert Shingiro and the Executive Secretary of the International Center for Research and Documentation on African Traditions and Languages ​​(CERDOTOLA) Charles Binam Bikoi proceeded to the signing of the headquarters agreement between the government of Burundi and CERDOTOLA on Thursday, September 1, 2022 at the headquarters of the ministry in charge of Development Cooperation.

CERDOTOLA is an international institution of scientific, cultural and diplomatic cooperation for the preservation, dissemination and enhancement of African heritage.

In a press briefing hosted by the two personalities after the exchange of signed documents, Minister Albert Shingiro pointed out that it is for the first time that Burundi will host the Regional Office of this 47-year-old organization which brings together the Southern Africa and East Africa. He indicated that they had just signed the protection agreements and the resulting benefits but also, this organization will allow Burundi to strengthen African heritage in general and Burundian heritage in particular.

He added that Burundi attaches great importance to culture, scientific research and civilizations. That Center will ensure that Africans who are beyond the continent can also benefit from the promotion of this African culture.

Having the headquarters in Burundi has a double advantage according to Albert Shingiro. First, it will allow close collaboration with the institution so that Burundi’s efforts to promote culture and scientific research can be supported by the organization. On the other hand, that will allow Burundians to have work within this organization. To the question of knowing the added value of the installation of the headquarters of this organization in Burundi, the Executive Secretary of CERDOTOLA indicated that Burundi is at the center of all the concerns which are those of Africa in terms of regeneration of the African spirit, dissemination of African values, values ​​of civilization and the history of Africans in the world wherever there are Africans.

Burundi, by welcoming that institution in its dismemberment for East Africa and Southern Africa, takes back the place that is its own, because, he said, it is the head of the Nile and is also a crossroads of civilizations of the peoples of Africa, which means that when you are in Burundi, you are simply in Africa.

Charles Binam Bikoi added that the Regional Office will be the resonance of the spirit of the headquarters of CERDOTOLA which is in Yaoundé, Cameroon. That Office is responsible for ensuring the establishment of CERDOTOLA and the development of its activities through the member countries of these two sub-regional entities. It will also be a platform for cultural exchange, tourism and development.