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Validation of certain works of the cooperation framework plan between Burundi and the United Nations for sustainable development in Burundi


Aug 9, 2022

BUJUMBURA August 9th (ABP) – The members of the joint steering committee of the cooperation framework plan between Burundi and the United Nations for sustainable development met on Monday August 8, 2022 in Bujumbura, to validate the work already carried out by the joint technical group (government part/UN part) in relation to the preparation of this cooperation framework plan, which is an instrument that aims to make Burundian society more prosperous, inclusive and resilient by 2027.

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation in                                                     development, Mr. Albert Shingiro who is chairman of the steering committee on the side of the government of Burundi, recalled that the framework plan for cooperation between Burundi and the United Nations for the sustainable development of Burundi was officially launched on April 11 in the presence bilateral and multilateral partners and a multidisciplinary national audience including universities, civil society, the private sector and others, explaining that this is a witness to a turning point in the cooperation between the government of Burundi and the United Nations system.

According to Minister Shingiro, the holding of this meeting is an opportunity for the members of the steering committee to give their contributions or bring their stone to the site launched, about 4 months ago, to scrutinize the work accomplished by the technical committee.

He mentioned that this new deal is presented as an interface with strong links interacting both between the United Nations programs, the SDGs and the national programs including the PND 2018-2027 and the national program for the capitalization of peace, security. social and promotion of economic growth (PNCP-SS-PCE), thus enabling them to be carried out concomitantly and mutually.

According to the minister in charge of foreign affairs, contrary to the old framework plan called framework plan for development assistance (UNDAF) where the word “assistance” does not fit with the dignity of the Burundian people has been replaced by the word ” cooperation”. The cooperation framework plan brings new impetus from the reforms introduced in 2019 to the United Nations in their cooperation relations with Burundi. He also announced that on this basis, this new cooperation framework aligns with national priorities, thus becoming a tool at the service of Burundi’s economic transformation, offering various means of placing sustainable development at the heart of economic policies and practices. , the ultimate goal being to promote structuring projects, sources of inclusive, diversified and job-creating economic activities, which put the development of the people first, with the obligation to leave no one behind.

For the chairman of the steering committee on the side of the United Nations, Mr. Damien Mama who is the resident coordinator of the United Nations system in Burundi, he indicated that the framework cooperation plan is a channel for the mobilization of all types financing and sustainable investment for the implementation of the PND and the national peace capitalization program (PNCP). According to him, the principles that guide the preparation of the cooperation framework plan are sustainability, resilience, gender equality, accountability, human rights and leave no one behind.

After the speeches of the two joint leaders of the steering committee of the framework cooperation plan, including Albert Shingiro on the side of the government of Burundi and Damien Mama on the side of the United Nations, the joint technical committee presented the work already carried out in the framework of the preparation of that framework plan including a roadmap that will lead to the effective implementation of projects and programs. The members of the steering committee of the cooperation framework plan welcomed the work already done by the joint technical committee and made certain recommendations for the continuation of the process.

Note that the deadline for validating the final document of that framework plan for cooperation between Burundi and the United Nations is set for December of this year. The members of the joint steering committee, on the side of the Government of Burundi are the Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Finance, Budget and Economic Planning, Minister of National Education and Scientific Research, Minister of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS, Minister of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock, the Minister of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines and the Minister of National Solidarity, Social Affairs and Human Rights and Gender as well as a team representing the agencies United Nations.