• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Minister of Health warns of the Covid-19 resurgence


Jul 28, 2022

BUJUMBURA July 28th (ABP) – The Minister of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS warns of the resurgence of cases tested positive for Covid-19 in recent times and calls for strict respect for barrier measures. Dr. Sylvie Nzeyimana was speaking on Tuesday July 26, 2022 in Bujumbura, on the sidelines of a meeting of the National Committee for the Fight against Contamination and the Spread of Covid-19 as part of analyzing the state of play of that pandemic.

Dr. Nzeyimana said that since the second week of July, there has been an increase in cases of people who have tested positive for Covid-19, with an average of 200 people per day considering the last three days.

She indicated that some provinces are particularly the most affected compared to others, notably the town hall of Bujumbura in the north, center and south health districts, the province of Gitega in the Gitega health district, the province of Bujumbura in the Kabezi health district, Bururi province in Matana health district, Muyinga province in Muyinga health district and Kirundo province in Vumbi health district.

Faced with this situation, the Burundian Minister of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS calls for vigilance with regard to barrier measures: “The Covid-19 pandemic is still there in the world and in Burundi the figures bear witness to this. that I just mentioned earlier, she warned. I therefore call on the Burundian population to respect the health measures in force to fight against the spread of this disease, she continued.

She also calls on travelers who enter Burundi via Melchior Ndadaye International Airport to always ensure that they have seen the results of the tests that are carried out just at the entrance to the airport.