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The exorbitant rise in food prices is a reality in the city of Bujumbura


May 12, 2022

BUJUMBURA May 12th (ABP) – The exorbitant rise in the prices of certain food products is a reality in Bujumbura City Council. The ABP’s observation during a visit it made on Tuesday April 10, 2022, to the various markets of the country’s economic capital.

Prices of food staples, including beans, rice, potatoes, charcoal and palm oil have risen at a worrying pace in recent days. The food vendors contacted by the ABP indicated that the increase in these prices would be related to the lack of fuel that was observed for a certain period. They advance the reason that moving those products has become very expensive.

Thus, the market price situation is as follows: the bean commonly called “Kirundo” which was at 1050fbu per kg, it is at 1800BIF, that of “Kinure” is at 2500BIF, whereas in the past months was at 1500BIF, the prices of “Gisoda” beans went from 1250BIF to 2400BIF, as well as “Yellow” beans which went from 1800BIF to 2800BIF, those of Muhoro which were at 1600BIF is at 2700BIF. The prices of rice which was at 1700BIF, it is at 2600BIF per kg, while those of potato which were at 800BIF per kg is at 1300BIF.

Consumers living in the economic capital of Bujumbura, lament that excessive increase in food prices. They revealed to the ABP that they are struggling to feed their families. Civil servants too are lamenting, arguing that with food prices rising at an alarming rate, monthly consumption far exceeds monthly income. Those civil servants ask the responsible and laborious government to fix things, so that the rise in transport prices, which causes the rise in other basic necessities, goes hand in hand with the rise in the salaries of civil servants, so that no one feel hurt.