• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Towards the withdrawal of police officers assigned to the protection of certain personalities


Apr 30, 2022

BUJUMBURA April 29th (ABP) – The Minister of Interior, Community Development and Public Security, Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca held, on Wednesday, April 27, a meeting for the newly appointed national police executives by decrees, to jointly adopt strategies aimed at improving safety.

For the best supervision of police officers, Minister Ndirakobuca declared that by the end of the year, all the police officers assigned to the protection of certain personalities will be withdrawn, except for those who can prove that they are really insecure. In addition to supervising police officers, this measure aims to control the use of weapons made available to these men in uniform.

Minister Ndirakobuca took that opportunity to congratulate the new executives appointed by decree while asking them to work without reproach and in transparency so as not to betray the Head of State who placed his trust in them.

Addressing the national police in general, he invited this body to change its behavior by fighting against corruption and any other attitude that can smear the profession. For the officers, he invited them to bring order to the whole sector. He has, in fact, asked the general inspectorate of the police to sensitize the officers of the judicial police to no longer classify the offense files without follow-up.

In terms of logistics, the minister called on those concerned to properly manage fuel and others.

For his part, the Inspector General of the PNB, Mr. Fréderic Budomo, based on intelligence reports from all over the country, said that security is good throughout the territory of Burundi. However, he did not fail to specify that he observes criminals who commit despicable acts such as armed robbery. He also pointed out the corruption made at the level of the country’s borders, the consumption of drugs, the theft of crops, and fraud in all its forms. Some police officers are involved in such acts, he pointed out, indicating that eight police officers were apprehended while some other police officers continue to ask bribes from passengers and drivers of transport vehicles.

Regarding the challenges, he noted the lack of infrastructure such as offices of the provincial police stations, the insufficiency of clothes, medicines and means of transport.