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The CNC has organized a dialogue session with media managers


Apr 16, 2022

BUJUMBURA April 16th (ABP) – The National Media Council (CNC) organized on Friday, April 15 in Bujumbura, a dialogue session with media officials to introspect on the exercise of the profession of journalism.

The assistant to the Minister of Communication, ITs and the Media, Mr. Thierry Kitamoya, who opened the session, said that media officials had been brought together to discuss the challenges that hinder the work of the media so that solutions can be found together.

                                                 View of the participants

He took advantage of that opportunity to cite the challenges that haunt the media sector, including the precariousness of resources, which is detrimental to the ability to collect information and the living conditions of journalists. He also added the fact that the media and journalists have become numerous and the government could not, without the support of multiple partners, solve this problem.

Mr. Kitamoya pointed to the challenge of unprofessionalism that has arisen with the advent of the internet. He explained that with the internet, media professionals no longer have a monopoly on content production. According to him, these contents are then far from respecting the standards of the profession. Burundian citizens often consume “contaminated” information. He added that for a good economy of information, a lot of capacity building sessions for journalists will be organized. In the meantime, this Internet, which should neither be rejected nor idolized, contains modules which can help a good number of colleagues to improve their services.

Another no less important concern for the media, which he announced, is the difficulty in accessing information sources. The 2018 law governing the press in Burundi, however, recognizes them in its article 45, the right of access to sources.

Before the end of the budget year, it is expected that the law on access to information will be put in place. It will help correct the situation, he added.

In the same context, the Ministry of Communication, ITs and the Media intends to organize dialogue sessions with the various sources of information, including media officials with the spokespersons of the ministries, another with the governors of the provinces, another with the provincial police commissioners, others with civil society and economic operators. He ended his speech by stating that with the consolidation of relations with development partners, the media support fund will end up being reinforced by numerous contributions. He appealed to Burundi’s development partners to help feed the said fund. The press law plans to involve them in its management.

According to the chairperson of the CNC, Mrs. Vestine Nahimana, what motivated the organization of the said meeting is the fact of guaranteeing in an equitable way the free access of the media to the various opinions, guaranteeing the rational and equitable use of the media, both public and private, by public institutions, each according to its constitutional missions. This is also to ensure the proper functioning of the media and enforce the commitments contained in their specifications, ensure compliance with the law and good Burundian mores in the production and distribution of cinematographic programs and entertainment songs.

According to Mrs. Nahimana, it was a good opportunity to reflect on the exercise of the profession of journalism, to identify the strengths and weaknesses in order to improve the way journalists work for the development of the country.

In that session, they had to discuss the ways to explore for the proper management of information disseminated by the various digital platforms, particularly on social media.