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Sports journalists are called upon to promote sportswomen in their publications


Apr 4, 2022

BUJUMBURA April 4th (ABP) – A collaboration between sports journalists and representatives of women’s sport in sports federations is essential, for a wide promotion of women in sport. This is one of the recommendations made during a training workshop for sports journalists and female sports representatives in different disciplines, on gender mainstreaming in media productions. A training organized by the Association of Women Journalists (AFJO) in collaboration with the Association of Sports Journalists of Burundi (AJSB), from March 30 to 31, 2022.

Based on the gender and youth-sensitive media charter signed by the media of Burundi, the assistant to the Minister of Communication, Information Technology and Media, Mr. Thierry Kitamoya, called on sports journalists, to practice gender equity in the collection and their journalistic publications.

It was found that women’s sport is very little known to the public compared to men’s sport. Several challenges preventing the development of women’s sport were mentioned, the most important of which are the stereotypes of Burundian society in relation to the practice of sport by women. That is reflected in the organization of sports federations. Some set up the women’s sport branch in their organization chart to comply with the requirements, without however having the objective of developing women’s sport.

According to Mrs. Line Curie Muco, consultant, the sports journalist has no excuse, he should not be held back by cultural barriers to promote women in sport. At a time when the visibility of sport is linked to its mediation, Ms. Muco asked representatives of women’s sport to go to sports journalists to provide them with information. To better pool this partnership, a platform has been set up between sports journalists and women’s sports representatives, in order to communicate better.

The participants proposed that such training be provided to media officials and sports federations so that they are aware of the promotion of women’s sport and how to achieve it. A training that has been scheduled for the month of June. It was proposed that each of the 23 federations within the National Olympic Committee (NOC) have its focal point, a sports journalist to facilitate the collection of information for sports journalists.

In that regard, Mrs. Liliane Nshimirimana, the AJSB chairperson, indicated that 23 focal points members of the AJSB are provided for that purpose. The latter will be assigned to different federations within the NOC to facilitate that communication and share it with their colleagues.

Mrs. Nshimirimana called on the representatives of women’s sport to be more involved in sharing information, to achieve effective promotion of women’s sport, indicating that sports journalists are at their disposal, it is up to them to take advantage of that opportunity.

A quarterly media plan has been drawn up containing the communication objectives to be achieved. Training certificates were awarded to participants at the end of that training.