• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

People are called on to always remain attached to God and to safeguard peace


Apr 4, 2022

BUJUMBURA April 4th (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye, joined Thursday, March 31, 2022 with the Bagumyabanga and CNDD-FDD party sympathizers from the Bujumbura City Council in the prayer of action grace organized for the month of March under the theme “Umupfâsóni w’ûbwênge arokora urugo n’ígihúgu” (A woman of wisdom saves her family and her country).

In his welcoming address, the secretary general of the CNDD-FDD party, Mr. Révérien Ndikuriyo, pointed out that we gathered on the last Thursday of March of the current year, at the national office of this party, to give thanks to God for his blessings which he continues to bestow on the Bagumyabanga and the population in general.

Mr. Ndikuriyo said that the month of March was a month of blessings where the President of the Republic had the opportunity to make a fruitful trip to Italy, to the headquarters of the Catholic Church based in Vatican. It is a month marked by the reception of a large number of new members in the different provinces of the country because, explained the secretary general of the ruling party, they saw that the CNDD-FDD party is at the works throughout the national territory.

Given that the month of March is dedicated to women, Mr. Ndikuriyo took this opportunity to give a tip of the hat to women because, he underlined, they are at work and work diligently in all sectors of national life. He added that the month of March was also marked by the celebration of Umukenyererarugamba Day on March 26, 2022 in Gitega for the first time, thus thanking all those who contributed to the organization of those ceremonies.

He finally asked the Bagumyabanga to continue to give themselves body and soul in the execution of development work as desired by the heroes of our homeland.

In her sermon, the pastor of the Church of the Rock, Mrs. Denise Bucumi Nkurunziza, was inspired by the second book of Samuel, chapter 20 from the first verse to the 22nd (2 Samuel 20: 1-22) where she recalled the role determinant of a woman of wisdom, specifying that this one can save her family and her fatherland.

                                                            Mrs. Denise Bucumi Nkurunziza during her preaching

According to Mrs. Nkurunziza, a wise and intelligent woman is a pillar of the household and always ensures the stability of her family and her country. She was delighted with the representation of women at all levels, emphasizing that they play a key role in their home sectors.

Based on the books of Proverbs 31:26; and from James 3:13-17, Mrs. Denise Nkurunziza revealed that a wise and intelligent woman is characterized by the fact that she finds the solution to problems, she opens her mouth with wisdom and the law of charity is on her tongue, she accomplishes her task by good conduct, she does not boast, she is not hypocritical.

She took the opportunity to ask women to strive for peace and seek wisdom more than men while remaining obedient to God. Thus, she based herself on the book of James 1:5 which states that, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives it freely to all, and who does not reproach not, and it will be given to him.

In his moralization session, the President of the Republic based himself on the preaching of the pastor of the Church of the Rock where he indicated that the Holy Father, Pope Francis, closely follows the achievements of the country and that he welcomes the initiative of the CNDD-FDD party to organize such an interfaith prayer as part of appropriating the culture of living together, which testifies that “we form a family of believers” in one God, he said. he adds.

“Behind a virtuous and far-sighted woman hides a virtuous and far-sighted man and vice versa”, underlined the Head of State, thus calling on men to also be wise and intelligent in order to make decisions that put before the interest of the people and the country.

He took that opportunity to call on the general people to always remain attached to God and to safeguard peace while working together so that, by 2023, Burundi will be removed from the list of so-called poor countries in the world.