• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Official launch of Burundi’s national industrialization policy and its implementation strategy


Mar 29, 2022

BUJUMBURA March 28th (ABP) – The Minister of Trade, Transport, Industry and Tourism, Mrs. Nijimbere Marie Chantal proceeded, Thursday, March 24, 2022, in Bujumbura to the official launch of the national policy for the industrialization of Burundi and the strategy for its implementation in order to accelerate and promote more inclusive growth, the structural transformation of the Burundian economy and the creation of new decent jobs.

View of the participants

In her occasional speech, the minister having industry in her attributions, indicated that the process of developing this national industrialization policy followed an inclusive and participatory approach and was spread over several months and specified that t is the result of a frank and fruitful collaboration as well as a broad consensus between actors representing the State, the private sector, civil society and all of Burundi’s development partners.

Mrs. Nijimbere also stressed that this policy is a policy instrument that is part of the implementation of the 2018-2027 national development program and the “Burundi 2025” vision.

Regarding the vision of the national industrialization policy of Burundi by 2027; The Minister specified that this policy aims for a dynamic and diversified industry, competitive and capable of sustainably improving the standard of living of the Burundian population by creating new decent jobs even if the industrial sector of Burundi remains very weak to supply the area. African Continental Free Trade Agreement (ZLECAF) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

Mrs. Nijimbere also underlined that this national industrialization policy constitutes a reference tool for the implementation of the structural transformation of the Burundian economy, while stressing that the development of production support infrastructure as well as the creation of a favorable environment constitute the industrialization of Burundi.

She took this opportunity to warmly thank the United Nations Development Program in Burundi for its technical and financial support throughout the process of developing this policy.

As for the Chairman of the Federal Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Burundi (CFCIB), Mr. Audace Ndayizeye indicated that industrialization is a machine for development and structural change.

Taking into account the theme dedicated to this day: “A dynamic, diversified and competitive industry on the horizon” 2027, Mr. Ndayizeye indicated that for the industry to be dynamic, it is necessary to intensify national factors, create a support fund to young people to encourage them to invest in industrialization.

He asked the government of Burundi to put in place a policy that protects Burundian industries and economic operators to take ownership of this policy and its implementation for the development of activities and for the development of the country.