• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Celebration of the 31st anniversary of the adoption of the national unity charter in the country’s provinces


Feb 9, 2022

MURAMVYA/MUYINGA/BURURI/CANKUZO February 8th (ABP) – Ceremonies marking the celebration of the 31st anniversary of the National Unity Charter took place in Muramvya, Muyinga, Bururi and Cankuzo provinces.

In Muramvya province, the president of the senate, Emmanuel Sinzohagera, in the company of his 2nd vice-president, senators and deputies, joined the people of Rutegama commune in Muramvya province (center-west), a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The ceremonies began at the monument of Unity located in the capital of Rutegama commune where wreaths of flowers were respectively laid by the president and the second vice-president of the Senate, the governor of Muramvya and the communal administrator as well as the wreaths laid by the political parties CNDD-FDD and UPRONA.

In his welcoming address, the governor of the province Muramvya, meant that unity is a reality within the people of the five municipalities that account Muramvya because it coexists well in their diversity of opinion.

Speaking of peace and security in that province, the governor, Diomède Nzambimana, pointed out the good understanding on the ground of political parties, religious denominations and the people in general.

The president of the Burundian senate indicated that he carried the message addressed to the nation by the Head of State, Mr. Evariste Ndayishimiye in relation to the celebration of the 31st anniversary of the Barundi unity charter. He suggested that starting from households, communities or institutions of the country, everyone must remember that the step already taken in peace and development would fall into the water in the absence of unity. national, “because unity is a gift from God, let us pray that unity be lasting and remarkable in actions and in charity among Burundians”.

Mr. Sinzohagera asked Burundians to continue to support the truth and reconciliation commission with the aim of ensuring the strengthening of unity and peace in order to erase and forget the impacts of the painful past. He mobilized the population of Rutegama in particular and Burundians in general not to disobey the ancestors who bequeathed entire unity to Burundians who must stand together as one man in the fight against the common enemy which is poverty. He told them that the future of Burundi concerns everyone without distinction and that the country will become what its people want in the search for sustainable development.

The president of the senate suggested to those who would still be animated by hatred or ethnic division to throw in the towel because anyone who tries to plunge the country back into conflict will not be tolerated. There is no ethnic group that kills but it is bad leadership that kills. It has been and it will never happen, he added. He launched a vibrant appeal to Burundians who have taken refuge in other countries so that they can return to their fold in order to be able to take charge of themselves and participate in the fight against poverty.

The Senate President took that opportunity to remind Burundians to rigorously apply barrier measures in the fight against the Coronavirus pandemic.

In Muyinga province, the ceremonies took place in Mwakiro commune. A mass of thanksgiving was said by the Bishop of the diocese of Muyinga, Mgr Joachim Ntahondereye. He asked Christians to respect human rights in diversity and to reconcile definitively. The ceremonies continued with the laying of wreaths by administrative officials, law enforcement and political parties CNDD-FDD, CNL, UPRONA and FRODEBU iragi rya Ndadaye at the monument of unity.

The provincial governor, J. Claude Barutwanayo, in his word for the occasion, asked the audience to live in symbiosis to consolidate national unity.

In Bururi province, the commemoration ceremonies of the charter of unity took place in the provincial headquarters. They began with a mass of thanksgiving celebrated at the Queen Mary Cathedral in Bururi and followed by the laying of the wreath at the independence monument. Those ceremonies were enhanced by the Burundian ombudsman, Mr. Edouard Nduwimana who delivered the speech for the occasion that the President of the Republic addressed to the population of that province.

In Cankuzo province, the ceremonies began with the laying of wreaths at the monument of unity by the governor of the province, the administrator of the commune of Cankuzo as well as the three political parties, namely the CNDD-FDD, the UPRONA the CNL. Governor Boniface Banyiyezako called on the people as a whole to work on development for the consolidation of unity.