• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Senate President has received in audience the leader of the National Observatory for the Prevention and Eradication of Genocide


Feb 3, 2022

GITEGA February 1st (ABP) – The President of the Burundian Senate, Mr. Emmanuel Sinzohagera, received in audience, on January 28, 2022, in his office in Gitega (center of the country), the President of the National Observatory for the Prevention and the eradication of genocide, war crimes and other crimes against humanity, Mr. Jean de Dieu Mutabazi.

At the end of their discussions held behind closed doors, Mr. Mutabazi revealed to the press that he had come to submit to the President of the Senate his contributions on the resolution delivered by the two chambers of the Burundian parliament meeting, in reaction to the report sent to them. by the TRC (truth and reconciliation commission), in December 2021.

Through that resolution explained Mr. Mutabazi, “The bicameral parliament asked the State and the institutions in charge of the fight against genocide and crimes against humanity, to provide it with actions to be carried out in the direction forgiveness and reconciliation between those responsible and the victims of these offenses to strengthen social cohesion”.

He specified that those actions should be proposed before the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Hutu genocide and crimes against humanity committed against other social components, scheduled for next April. In the meantime, Mr. Mutabazi has issued a contribution for the development of a law or legal provision regulating forgiveness and reconciliation between the perpetrators and the victims of this barbarity.