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The Burundian Prime Minister called on the Burundians to love God and respect his commandments


Feb 3, 2022

BUJUMBURA February 1st (ABP) – The Prime Minister of Burundi Mr. Alain Guillaume Bunyoni in the company of his wife joined the Christians of the Emmanuel Kigobe church located Gasenyi in the urban area of ​​Gihosha, to share the Sunday prayer of Sunday on January 30, 2022.

Referring to the biblical passage from the book of Deuteronomy chapter 11, the Prime Minister insisted on the passage which says: “love the lord your God, serve him and do his laws, rules and commandments. »

He took this opportunity to invite the Burundian people, especially those who participated in this worship, to love God, pray and respect the commandments in order to be true apostles of God.

As the Evangelist Jean Ntirungwa indicated in his sermon, taken from the book of Ester chapter 4, Mr. Bunyoni based on his words and pointed out that prayer is a powerful weapon for Christians who practice it. According to him, prayer can make a way where there is none and make things possible that seem impossible to people.

The Prime Minister also invited the Christians of the Emmanuel Kigobe Church to pray in truth to receive divine blessing and not to be hypocrites.

He did not fail to remind the leaders to avoid bad practices like adultery and corruption which destroy their family as well as the country.

Mr. Bunyoni also thanked the Christians of the Emmanuel Fellowship of Churches for their unity, because, he said, where there is no unity, there is no God.

As for the legal representative of the community of Emmanuel churches in Burundi, he thanked the Prime Minister for that visit and took the opportunity to announce to him the development projects carried out by this church located in Kigobe. He cited the health center commonly known as Johnson’s and the school which provides English language education as well as the technical school reserved for disabled people.