• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

About 2,700 detainees released by presidential pardon in 2021, according to the message to the nation from the President of the Republic for the year 2022


Jan 11, 2022

BUJUMBURA January 10th (ABP) – “More than 2,700 detainees have been released by presidential pardon. Following the new directives that the responsible government has drawn up, we are closely monitoring the behavior of detainees to analyze the cases of those who display irreproachable behavior and would thus be eligible for conditional liberation”.

Those are the words of the President of the Republic, Evariste Ndayishimiye, addressing the Burundians on the occasion of the New Year. The President of the Republic insisted on the need for the reform of the justice sector, indicating that the government is concerned about the search for “solutions to citizens’ complaints”, noting that it has been noticed “many inconsistencies”, in that sector.

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Gaps linked among other things to the grumbling caused by the serious failings of certain magistrates in their mission, according to the President of the Republic. For the President of the Republic, this sector is founded on solid foundations; “Gaps which can only be observed among certain magistrates who do what they see fit with impunity.”

Noting that many disputes within the community are land disputes, he announced for soon, the election of the councils of notables on the hills for the strengthening of community jurisdictions of proximity more effective in the treatment of such disputes. That advice will be supported by experts to investigate and bring justice to the fore.

The President of the Republic said he was delighted that a body has been set up, to which citizens who are victims of the injustice of the magistrates will be able to appeal. Nevertheless, noting that some are in bad faith by not accepting judgments rendered, Evariste Ndayishimiye called on not to submit lies to this body. He also indicated that it has been revised “laws and articles of law that no longer meet the realities of the moment and the enforcement of judgments rendered and this gives hope to Burundian citizens”. The President of the Republic called on the prosecutors to release the detainees “who are not convicted of crimes of murder or sexual violence in order to allow them to appear in a state of provisional release”.

In that same sector, the President of the Republic indicated that it was found that the country is paying the price for some who embezzle state property, expropriate people from their land and buildings, steal property from the population. In this regard, he called on the prosecutors to defend the interests of the country and the citizens by sanctioning those responsible “because the responsibility is individual”. While ensuring the return of stolen goods. The President of the Republic announced that this work is being carried out despite the fact that the Burundians are not used to it.

In terms of transitional justice, he noted that “citizens appreciate the step taken by the commissions of the TRC and the CNTB in their activities. Several have voluntarily agreed to testify on their past actions or on what they saw “. The President of the Republic seized the opportunity, reassuring the people that “no one will be punished for harm done by other people even if they are their parents. Likewise, there will no longer be collective sanctions “.