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At the end of the national thanksgiving prayer, the President of the Republic urged Burundians to respect and follow the commandments of God


Jan 3, 2022

BUJUMBURA January 3rd (ABP) – At the end of the national thanksgiving prayer organized from December 27 to 31, 2021 at the Secondary Technical School (ETS) by the President of the Republic on behalf of all Burundians, President Ndayishimiye thanked the Good Lord who saved our country and who helped Burundi organize the thanksgiving prayer at the end of the year.

The President of the Republic called on those present to make the decision to build our country through good work.

He thanked the leaders of the country in general and the people from Bujumbura in particular, for having kept him company during the 5 days of that prayer.

The presidential couple are saying the prayer marking the end of the work of the national thanksgiving prayer

He finally thanked the members of the organizing committee for the exceptional way in which the prayer was organized and the defense and security forces for ensuring the security of the participants.

Based on the word of God drawn from Exodus 28: 1-14 where God asks us to follow his commandments, the Head of State urged the Burundians to respect and follow the commandments of God for their behaviors to be good throughout their life on earth.

The President of the Republic also urged those present to take sufficient time to ask for forgiveness, by inviting the leaders of the various churches to pray on behalf of all Burundians.

Holding the national flag with his better half to close the prayer, he asked God to continue to watch over Burundi, to fill all Burundians with divine grace, and to protect all natural resources. He also asked God to bless all the projects and programs set up to build and develop the country so that they are also beneficial to the people of Burundi.

To end his speech, the Head of State offered the best New Year’s wishes to all those who participated in that prayer and to all Burundians.

When taking the floor, the mayor of the city of Bujumbura, Mr. Jimmy Hatungimana, took the opportunity to say thank you to the President of the Republic for having organized that prayer in the city of Bujumbura.

As a thank you, he gave him 3 cows which represent the 3 communes of the Bujumbura City Council, 13 cows symbolizing the 13 zones of the city of Bujumbura and 97 baskets which symbolize 97 quarters of that urban province.