• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The President of the Republic has closed the week dedicated to fighters


Nov 24, 2021

GITEGA November 23rd (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi and Leader of the Council of Elders of the CNDD-FDD party, Major General Evariste Ndayishimiye, enhanced with his presence on Saturday, November 20 the closing ceremonies of the week fighters who took place in Bugendana commune in Gitega province, the political capital of the country. He was in the company of the Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD party and other officials of the leading organs of that party, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

The ceremonies were attended by other dignitaries of the country, including the President of the National Assembly, the President of the Senate, the Vice-President of the Republic, the Burundian ombudsman, the wife of the hero of democracy, the officials of the Defense and Security Forces and those of the Justice, representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited to Bujumbura, representatives of 19 approved political parties and civil society organizations, as well as a host of militants from the ruling party and Population.

                                                                                   Parade of ex-combatants and young people of the CNDD-FDD party

The ceremonies were opened with an ecumenical prayer, which was followed by a long parade of members of the various leagues affiliated with the CNDD-FDD party. Songs and slogans that convey the ideology of the ruling party livened up the festivities.

In his speech, the Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD party, Mr. Révérien Ndikuriyo, addressed his thanks to the Head of State and President of the Council of Elders who spares no effort to support the socio-economic development projects of the elders fighters. To that end, he indicated that the CNDD-FDD party supports the establishment of the patriotic and civic education program for young people.

In his speech, President Ndayishimiye congratulated all those who have contributed to bringing Burundi back to peace after so many years of violence. He paid tribute to the fighters who perished on the battlefield. He challenged all Burundians to ensure the maintenance of peace and security in their respective localities, the basis of all development work. He also invited the entire population to roll up their sleeves and work in synergy of actions in the execution of work to increase production in order to have surpluses to sell to the market and thereby achieve the objective. of the government which advocates that every mouth has to eat and every pocket has money. He called on the general people to continue the membership movement in cooperatives and associations, signaling that there is strength in unity.

He also called on the Burundians to do everything possible to ban any act that would attempt to disrupt the well-being of the people, citing in particular troublemakers, bandits, corrupters and corrupt, fraudsters, as well as perpetrators of cases of injustice.

The Head of State called on administrative and technical officials to be true leaders committed to serving as a model for the population in development work and to banishing all forms of injustice. He warned all those who would try to trample on the rights of the people while calling on the population to denounce criminals of all kinds. He also called on the Defense, Security and Justice Forces to do everything possible to ensure peace and security so that the people can go about their daily activities peacefully.

The President of the Republic of Burundi recommended that the Burundians do everything to maintain peace, strengthen cohesion, promote leadership and unite their efforts to increase production for the sustainable and inclusive development of Burundi.

The ceremonies ended with the sharing of traditional foods that the combatants consumed in the maquis.