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Evaluation of the resilience program funded by the European Union


Oct 18, 2021

BUJUMBURA October 18th (ABP) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation in collaboration with the European Union (EU) in synergy with other development operators organized Friday, October 15, 2021 in Bujumbura, a day resilience towards the executives of the sectoral ministries concerned, the governors of the provinces and all the other stakeholders, to present the program and the concept of resilience to them, the strengthening of synergies between them at the operational level in order to achieve the strategies and the objectives of national plans.

In his opening address to the meeting, the Director General of Multilateral Relations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, Mr. Isaïe Kubwayo said that the resilience program aims to strengthen the capacities of beneficiaries and communities to cope, adapt and reveal themselves quickly after shock or stress. He also specified that resilience is a process of adaptation, of reconstruction, in the face of often unpredictable events including floods, drought, invasions of crop pests, epidemics, epizootics, conflicts and displacement of populations, shocks at the individual level and so on.

He specified that the resilience program is implemented in 18 provinces of the country by 19 consortia bringing together more than 40 operators including non-governmental organizations, agencies of cooperation nations of EU Member States and local organizations and associations. With its multisectoral approach, the program is divided into three integrated and complementary components namely Tubehoneza (For the well-being of the population), Twiteho Amagara (Increase the accessibility and quality of health services), Umuco w’Iterambere (Energy to promote access to a modern, efficient and sustainable basic energy service).

Ambassador Kubwayo did not forget to mention that the government of Burundi launched the National Development Plan (PND) 2018-2027 which is a reference document for all development actors in Burundi. Through its implementation, the government of Burundi seeks the effectiveness and efficiency of public interventions and attaches the price of obtaining results that should contribute to improving the living and working conditions of the populations.

He took that opportunity to point out that it was noticed that the large part of the projects of the resilience program are still either at the beginning, or in the steps, prior to implementation. For that reason, he invited the operators grouped in consortia to move up a gear to complete the preliminary stages and that the implementation of the projects be effective, that the deadlines are respected and that the results are commensurate with the efforts. provided and funds allocated.

He indicated that the government of Burundi remains firm in its commitments and will give all the means and will work hand in hand with the EU until the end of this program, adding also that the Burundian government calls on the focal points in this spirit and technical monitoring committees (CTS) where they have been trained to work hard.

European Union Ambassador Claude Bochu said that the resilience program is funded to the tune of 121 million euros to support 3 sectors including rural development and nutrition, health and energy. He pointed out that through this project, the EU is helping to create the conditions for the sustainable development of the country and its citizens.

He informed that since 2018, thanks to Tubehoneza, more than 70,000 agricultural producers have been supported with inputs and seeds, 730 water sources have been developed and more than 115,000 children suffering from acute malnutrition have benefited from nutritional rehabilitation programs.

The Twiteho Amagara component made it possible to provide health structures with 38 ambulances and to train and equip more than 1,140 community health workers. The Umuco w’Iterambere component has started activities that will electrify more than 50 health centers and 80 schools and facilitate access to electricity to more than 32,000 households with a clean cooking system.