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The government’s 2021-2022 annual action plan was on the menu of the Cabinet meeting


Oct 4, 2021

BUJUMBURA October 4th (ABP) – The Cabinet met on Wednesday September 29, 2021 in Gitega under the chairmanship of the Head of State Evariste Ndayishimiye with 8 items on the agenda including that relating to the Plan of annual government actions 2021-2022 according to the press release from the general secretariat of the government.

That draft 2021-2022 government annual action plan was presented by the services of the Presidency of the Republic of Burundi. According to the press release, that Plan constitutes the synthesis of actions that the Ministries have planned as flagship activities of the year, adjusted in accordance with the 2021-2022 budget law. The actions retained in that Plan have a national scope and ensure the implementation of sectoral policies and strategies, as well as the Sustainable Development Goals. They also pursue the objectives set out in Vision Burundi 2025 and are inspired by the main thrusts of the Burundi National Development Plan 2018-2027. That action plan also includes actions resulting from the national project “Ewe Burundi Urambaye”. After discussion and debate, the action plan was adopted with, among other things, a recommendation to integrate flagship and priority actions. It was also recommended that the adjustments proposed by different ministries be incorporated into the document within a period not exceeding three days. It was recommended that in the future, the document be ready in the first month that begins the budget year.

View of members of the government in the Cabinet meeting

The bill ratifying the cooperation agreement for the execution of the Burundi water resources management project between the government of Burundi and that of the Arab Republic of Egypt, signed on March 24, 2021, in Cairo, Egypt, was also on the agenda. The same applies to the bill ratifying the agreement on visa exemption for holders of diplomatic, special and service passports between the government of Burundi and the government of the Arab Republic of Egypt signed on March 24, 2021 in Cairo. After discussion, the Cabinet adopted them recommending that, with regard to water resources, Burundi place particular emphasis on their conservation as well as support from the Republic of Egypt in the fight against desertification.

The Cabinet also analyzed the draft financing agreement for the diversion of the National Road number 1 (RN1) between Burundi and the People’s Republic of China. It refers to the economic and technical cooperation agreement signed between the Burundian and Chinese governments on September 28, 2018. It relates in particular to the construction of a road with a length of 5.458 km, with a pavement width of 7 meters. and 2.25 meters wide of the shoulders for each side. This road will be built with a donation from China equivalent to 185,920,000 yuan. After analysis, the Council adopted the project and asked that it be implemented as quickly as possible according to the route proposed by the party which will provide the funding.