• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Opening of the proceedings of the 9th General Assembly of PALPGL


Sep 30, 2021

GITEGA September 30th (ABP) – The Minister of the Interior, Local Development and Public Security of Burundi, Mr. Gervais Ndirakobuca, on Tuesday September 28, in Gitega (central Burundi), opened the work of the 9th General Assembly of the Platform of Local Authorities of the Great Lakes Countries (PALPGL), in which the delegations of the countries of the sub-region participate, including Burundi, Rwanda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Tanzania.

That Assembly, organized by the executive secretariat of the PALPGL, with the financial support of the International Association of Francophone Mayors (AIMF) under the theme “Cities, Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, has the objective of strengthening the participation of the community entrepreneurs and innovators in city governance.

Family photo of the participants of the 9th General Assembly of the PALPGL

In his welcoming speech, the administrator of the Gitega commune, Dr. Jacques Nduwimana, welcomed the development projects already carried out or underway within the framework of the AIMF-European Commission strategic partnership. He cited, in particular, the rehabilitation of part of the central market in the town of Gitega, as well as the sensitization of the people on sexual and reproductive health and on family planning. Those services have contributed to improving the socio-economic conditions of the population, he said.

In turn, the governor of Gitega province, Mr. Venant Manirambona, welcomed the holding of the assizes in the political capital of Burundi, which, he stressed, constitutes an opportunity for the local authorities of the countries. des Grands Lacs to see the strengths and potential of this political capital, which marks a breakthrough in economic development, in particular the promotion of agriculture and animal husbandry. That could arouse the emulation of investors from the Great Lakes countries and the development of cross-border trade.

For their part, the head of the Rwandan delegation and the president of PALPGL welcomed the holding of these meetings which, they said, constitute a favorable framework for exchanging their experiences and adopting adequate strategies for strengthen partnership relations. It is also an opportune moment for the cities of these countries to share their experiences on entrepreneurship and innovation in the Great Lakes region.

In his opening speech, the Burundian Minister in charge of the Interior indicated that the Burundian government, responsible and hard-working, spares no effort to maintain peace and the security of citizens, strengthen bilateral cooperation and multilateral with countries and international organizations. He appreciated the development projects already carried out within the framework of PALPGL and AIMF. It is in that perspective of partnership that AIMF has established an active and effective partnership with 4 towns in Burundi, namely the town hall of Bujumbura, the towns of Gitega, Ngozi and Rumonge, he said, meaning that several community development projects have been completed and others are underway. He thanked AIMF and PALPGL for their contribution to improving the well-being of the people of Burundi.

Minister Ndirakobuca welcomed the choice of the theme “Cities, Entrepreneurship and Innovation which, he stressed, is consistent with the policy of the government of Burundi on community development. That policy prioritizes the increase of resources in general and empowerment of young people and women in particular. It is in this context that the government supports initiatives to promote cooperatives, businesses and innovative projects through banks for young people and for women and other supports technical and financial.