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The Senate has passed two bills in plenary assembly


Sep 27, 2021

GITEGA September 27th (ABP) – Burundian senators meeting in plenary assembly in the hemicycle of Gitega, the political capital of the country, adopted two bills on Friday, September 24, 2021, under the aegis of the president of the senate, Emmanuel Sinzohagera.

One focused on the regulation of migration in Burundi and the other on the amendment of Law No. 1/11 of July 14, 2009 on the creation, organization and functioning of the Burundian Revenue Office (OBR).

It was the Minister of the Interior, Community Development and Public Security, Gervais Ndirakobuca, who presented the two bills to members of the Senate, enlightening them on the most important aspects of those laws.

Speaking on the interest of the first bill, Mr. Ndirakobuca said that the establishment of a law governing all aspects of migration management will make it possible to find a solution to the shortcomings observed during the strict application of the relevant texts.

Also, he added, Burundi being a member of the East African Community and having ratified the treaty and protocols governing this community, there is an obligation to harmonize the laws on migration services in all member countries.

In addition, Minister Ndirakobuca said that the new law, once enacted, will address the rise in cross-border crimes including terrorism, cybercrime, crime in and around refugee camps and others.

As for the second bill, Mr. Ndirakobuca explained that the objective pursued is to provide the OBR with a coherent and innovative text in order to ensure its proper functioning to achieve the State’s objectives in terms of collection. tax, non-tax and customs revenues.