• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The Head of State has hosted a moralization session in Bujumbura province


Sep 3, 2021

BUJUMBURA September 3rd (ABP) – The President of the Republic of Burundi, Major General Evariste Ndayishimiye, hosted on Wednesday September 1, in the headquarters of Bujumbura province (western Burundi), a moralization session at which the senior executives of the country native to that province, the heads of provincial and communal services, as well as the people of the Isare commune took part, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In his welcoming address, the governor of Bujumbura, Mr. Désiré Nsengiyumva, indicated that security is good in all the nine communes of the province and that the people maintain peace and security through the joint committees of security. The people, he said, has already understood the word of the “responsible and hard-working” government which recommended that every mouth have something to eat and that every pocket have money, the reason why all the communes have practiced irrigation in summer.

                                                                                         view of the participants

In the sector of ​​environmental protection, all the communes have set up tree nurseries as part of the “Ewe Burundi Urambaye” program which will be planted to protect the watersheds. Contours on which fixing grasses will be planted have been dug, Governor Nsengiyumva said. He also reported that his province has border issues with the city council.

Mr. Nsengiyumva also mentioned the people who monopolize plots and build at night in Mutimbuzi commune. To that end, he called on the ministry responsible for the Environment to find a lasting solution to this problem. The governor of Bujumbura pleaded for the Kiriri-Kanyosha-Bugarama road to be asphalted, as well as the Muberure-headquarters of the province section.

The Head of State said he was delighted to be in Isare commune to discuss with the executives and the population of Bujumbura on the life and development of the country.

President Ndayishimiye gave the image of the country which is divided into two categories, namely civil servants and the population. Whoever has a post or works for the state must know that he is at the service of the people and the country, he said, indicating that if he goes on strike or does not serve those people well, he must know that he rebelled against his employer who is the country and, consequently, the people.

He stressed that things have been reversed because, he said, they should not talk about opposition parties because that opposition must work for the people and the country. He spoke of cases of corruption observed in the judiciary, revealing that the trials are peppered with cases of corruption.

The President of the Republic signaled that his objective is to transform the Burundians by changing mentalities so that each Burundian feels that he is rehabilitated in his rights. Burundi will be built by the Burundians themselves, he said, recalling that we are in the fight against poverty and that to lead the battle well, they must first know the enemy.

The period of crisis that Burundi went through and which mortgaged development was due to the leaders of this country who were hiding behind ethnicity. Burundi is a domain of Burundians and not of Hutu, Tutsi and Twa, said President Ndayishimiye, noting that Burundians must heal and refuse to be called Hutu, Tutsi and Twa. He asked the Burundians to stop hating their homeland.

Regarding development, the Head of State said that priority in the construction of roads must be given to those that lead to economic growth, in particular the Kiriri-Bugarama road, the Moso-border road with Tanzania and the Kobero-Butihinda-Kirundo road.

After the Burundians have changed their mentality, the second phase will be the fight against poverty, said the head of state, believing that Burundi has many assets, namely a fertile soil, a rich subsoil and clean water.

“We have capital, let’s go to work, the authorities must take the lead,” he insisted.

Regarding the fight against Covid-19, he asked educated people to serve as an example to the population by being tested because development and intelligence go through good health, launched President Ndayishimiye, inviting everyone to work 24 hours a day.

He called on the people to fight corruption, promote agriculture, tourism and create factories. Giving the example of China, South Korea and Mauritius, he promised that the dream would be realized in just three years.

According to the report of the Burundian Office for Urban Planning, Habitat and Construction (OBUHA), 35 communal hospitals will be inaugurated at the end of September 2021, he said, noting that the construction works of 60 hospitals at the same time will begin.

“The construction of 100 hospitals is expected to be completed by the end of 2022,” he said.

By 2025, all the villages of the country will have clean water and all the communes connected to electricity and connected to the Internet in order to properly monitor the management of communal finances, he concluded.