• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The CNDD-FDD members are called on to serve as a good reference in their neighborhoods


Sep 2, 2021

BUBANZA September 1st (ABP) – The secretary general of the CNDD-FDD political party, Mr. Révérien Ndikuriyo, was on Tuesday August 31 in Bubanza province (north-west of Burundi) where he met, in the headquarters of the commune Gihanga, the leaders of that party from the village to the provincial level to discuss with them their role and the behavior to adopt during their mandate, a check on the site by ABP has disclosed.

In his speech, Mr. Ndikuriyo called on the leaders of that party to manage the victory and the program that won the 2020 elections. He asked them to adopt good behavior, to be humble, to “have your feet on the ground, embody dignity, truth, charity, generosity and always act as a good father, even towards those who are not members of the CNDD-FDD”.

The secretary general of the CNDD-FDD also asks the village, communal and provincial representatives of that party to always serve as a good reference in development, from their households to their neighborhood.

That authority further advised them to avoid laziness, to work with a vision by devoting themselves to community development works which, according to him, has honored Burundi. That is the case with schools, health centers and other public infrastructures that have been built.

Mr. Ndikuriyo urged the Bagumyabanga to show respect to those who sacrificed themselves for the existence of the CNDD-FDD party.

Some of the CNDD-FDD leaders asked for the means of travel, manuals containing the ethics and deontology of the party and the involvement of the said party for the proper functioning of justice, we learned on the spot.

For his part, the provincial secretary of the CNDD-FDD, Mr. Alexandre Ngoragoze, said that, concerning the victory of that party, the Bubanza province took second place in the results of the 2020 elections, with the Musigati commune which ran for first place nationally, with 99.8% of the vote.