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Burundi’s bicameral parliament works to the satisfaction of the TRC and the CNIDH


Aug 19, 2021

GITEGA August 19th (ABP) – The bicameral Burundian parliament is working to the satisfaction of the TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission) and the CNIDH (Independent National Human Rights Commission), recognized the chairmen of those commissions in their interview given to the media, following an audience received successively on Tuesday August 17, 2021 with the Burundi Senate President, Mr. Emmanuel Sinzohagera.

The TRC Chairman, Mr. Pierre-Claver Ndayicariye, indicated that he presented to the president of the Senate the progress of the activities of the commission in his charge in the Bujumbura City Council, in connection with the tragic events from 1972. He indicated that the TRC was informed of the existence of mass graves under sites housing companies in the Ngagara zone, such as SODECO, CNTA, SETEMU and OTRACO.

In addition, Mr. Ndayicariye revealed that the TRC was able to gain access to archives which show lists of houses seized, accounts blocked and officials dismissed or killed during this period. Other mass grave sites would be under administrative buildings of four, five or six levels, he said.

“The TRC cannot take decisions to demolish infrastructure. But instead, we could erect monuments in memory of the victims,” ​​proposed Mr. Ndayicariye, before expressing his opinion to declare a day of national mourning in 2022, that is to say 50 years after the aforementioned tragedy. That ceremony would relieve the frustrations felt by the victims, the alleged perpetrators of the tragedy and / or their offspring.

As for the CNIDH chairman, Mr. Sixte Vigny Nimuraba, he indicated that the exchanges with the president of the Senate focused on the re-registration of Burundi in status A in terms of human rights at the international level. That status gives Burundi the right to speak again in the concert of nations.

“This also testifies to the independence of the commission under my responsibilities with regard to the United Nations, vis-à-vis the National Assembly and the Burundian Senate,” said Mr. Nimuraba. He expressed his feelings of satisfaction on the good collaboration between the CNIDH and the two institutions.