• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Many roads were built and paved during the 2020/2021 budget year


Aug 6, 2021

BUJUMBURA August 6th (ABP) – The Minister of Infrastructure, Equipment and Social Housing, Mr Déogratias Nsanganiyumwami presented, on Thursday August 5, 2021, a satisfactory report of achievements for the 2020/2021 fiscal year where the road sector has taken an important part.

Minister Nsanganiyumwami said that during this fiscal year 2020/2021, in terms of infrastructure, many roads were built.

According to that report of achievements, the construction and asphalting work of the RN18 II, Kibumbu-Gitega with a length of 24 kilometers is being carried out by the Chinese company HUNAN Construction, with financing from the African Development Bank (AfDB) and the government of Burundi.

The work is currently at 87.69% completion according to Minister Nsanganiyumwami.

It also concerns the rehabilitation, expansion and asphalting works of the RN5, Bujumbura-Nyamitanga with a length of 30.1 km with a doubling of the section, Chanic Roundabout- Melchior Ndadaye International Airport Roundabout, 5 km long, which are executed by the SOGEA-SATOM company with funding from the Organization of Petroleum Producing Countries (OFID), BADEA, the Kuwaiti Fund (FK), the Saudi Fund (FS) and the government.

The development and asphalting works of the RN16, Bururi-Gakuba, 34.72 km long are being carried out by the CFHEC company and are 40% funded by BADEA, FK, FS, OFID and the government of Burundi.

He also indicated that the development and asphalting works of the RN3, Gitaza-Rumonge section, with a length of 45 km will soon begin with funding from the AfDB and the government of Burundi and will be carried out by SOGEA-SATOM.

The contract for the execution of the development and asphalting works of the RN3, Nyanza-Lac-Rumonge section, 52 km long, are being negotiated and the works will be financed by the BADEA, the FK, the FS, the OFID and the Burundian government.

The contract was awarded to the Chinese company CHICO. The development and asphalting works of the Makamba urban road network with funding from the AfDB and the Burundi government have been completed.

He pointed out that as part of the paving of urban centers for the promotion of roads in urban centers, a lot of work has been carried out in particular the work of paving the streets in the Bujumbura City Council, that is to say, 1st avenue Mutakura and those of street Nyuminkwi and those of the administrative centers of Kayanza, Bubanza and Gitega provinces, with World Bank financing, have been completed and received.

According to that report, in terms of road maintenance, various critical points were also addressed as part of the work under the supervision of financing from the government of Burundi through the Burundi Road Agency (ARB).