• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The 5th edition of the Burundian diaspora week has been held in Bujumbura


Jul 29, 2021

BUJUMBURA July 29th (ABP) – The activities of the Burundian Diaspora Week, 5th edition, were officially opened on Tuesday July 27 by the Vice President of the Republic of Burundi, Mr. Prosper Bazombanza, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.

In his speech for the occasion, he let it be known that by adopting the national diaspora policy, the government has materialized its firm political will to make the diaspora its hobbyhorse for the development of our country. He called on the Burundian diaspora to be in line with the National Development Plan 2018-2027.

Mr. Bazombanza acknowledged the contribution of the diaspora for development and expressed the gratitude of the government of Burundi towards them.

Beside the investment of the diaspora in the fields especially of agriculture, education, health and infrastructure, he called on the diaspora to invest “massively in the creation of processing units to generate jobs for young people and women”, to give added value and to export quality products that bring foreign currency back to the country.

Mr. Bazombanza said that the government of Burundi continues to urge the Burundian diaspora to participate in the shining of Burundi, to contribute in the implementation of economic development projects, and to support the priorities of the government for their implementation. Members of the diaspora are also called upon to be ambassadors for Burundi to popularize the National Development Plan (PND) and sensitize potential investors.

At a time when within the diaspora we find a lot of intellectual skills, the 1st vice president of the Republic called on the diaspora to make the country benefit from it in sectors that need to be strengthened.

                                                                  Foreign Minister Albert Shingiro

“The government of Burundi will scrupulously ensure that national and international investors are well supported”, reassured the vice president of the Republic, indicating that the commitment of the “responsible and hard-working” government is to maximize the mobilization of the diaspora. On that occasion, he urged the State services to do everything in their power to ensure that this commitment is translated into concrete actions.

For that 5th edition, the representative of that diaspora, Mr. Japhet Legentil Ndayishimiye, indicated that during the three years of his term which have just elapsed, bodies of the diaspora have been set up for all the provinces of the country so that development can reach the people from the grassroots. The Burundian diaspora has been sensitized to invest in the country, he said, referring to the development projects that have been undertaken by the diaspora in the fields of health, education, agriculture and livestock. The diaspora has been sensitized in order to attract foreigners to invest in the country, he said, adding that since 2012, the contribution of the diaspora in investments in Burundi has tripled.

                                Burundi Diaspora Representative Japhet Legentil Ndayishimiye

Mr. Ndayishimiye wanted the diaspora to be integrated into the ministry in charge of Foreign Affairs, given its contribution to development. Thus, he said, this ministry should be called the “Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Diaspora and Development Cooperation”.

On his part, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Development Cooperation, Mr. Albert Shingiro, noted that this ministry is committed to facilitating the Burundian diaspora in its contribution to the development of the country. To that end, he referred to the facility granted to members of the diaspora in the repatriation of their property to come and invest in Burundi. They enjoyed the facilities for obtaining exploitation and establishment rights to work in Burundi, and the facilitation of the creation of diaspora associations, province by province. This made it possible to meet the specific needs of the people of the said provinces.

Several subjects will be dealt with during this diaspora week, such as the Burundian diaspora and youth employment; responsible and hard-working government in the face of the imperative of sustainable and inclusive development for a united society and reconciled with itself; the achievements of the diaspora, their organization and their future prospects.

The theme chosen for that 5th edition is: “the contribution of the Burundian diaspora in the implementation of the policies and programs of the responsible and hard-working government”. That edition is taking place from July 27 to 30, 2021.