• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

The President of the Republic has received former US special envoy to the Great Lakes region


Jul 16, 2021

BUJUMBURA July 16th (ABP) – The President of the Republic, Mr Evariste Ndayishimiye, received in audience the former Special Envoy of the United States of America in the Sahel region and in the Great Lakes region, Peter Pham, who came to receive his prize awarded to him on July 1, 2021 on the occasion of the celebration of the 59th anniversary of Burundi’s independence.

At the end of the audience which took place at the Ntare Rushatsi House, Peter Pham accompanied by the US ambassador to Burundi, indicated that he was much honored to be received and decorated by the Burundian President in recognition friendship and partnership with the authorities and the people of Burundi. He pledged that he will continue to promote the friendship between the US and Burundi.

He will also contribute to improving relations, seeking ways to bring private and public investors from the US to Burundi, in order to have a better win-win future between the two countries in the public and private sectors.

The prize was awarded to him for having pleaded for Burundi from the time he was special envoy of the United States in the Sahel region and in the Great Lakes region from March 2020 until the end of the term of the former President of the United States, Mr Donald Trump.