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Spokespersons of ministries and public institutions have hosted a public program


Jun 28, 2021

MAKAMBA June 28th (ABP) – Spokespersons of ministries and public institutions hosted on Friday June 25, 2021 in Makamba province (southern Burundi) a public program to answer questions from journalists and people.

During that public program broadcast live, the issue of bilateral cooperation between Burundi and Rwanda was raised. Government spokesman Prosper Ntahorwamiye said no one can choose their neighbor, but rather their companion, stressing that the ministers in charge of cooperation from the two countries have already met. He remains convinced that even the Rwandan-Burundian borders will be open as it has been the case for the other neighboring countries.

In the Energy sector, Mr. Léonidas Sindayigaya, spokesperson for the Ministry of Hydraulics, Energy and Mines, indicated that the government’s concern is that the electricity network be increased to accelerate the development of agribusiness processing. “If the construction of the hydroelectric dams is delayed in any way, the construction company may suffer penalties for delay according to the agreements in the procurement contracts,” Sindayigaya said.

Regarding the Muyange power line in Nyanza-Lac commune which does not work while the Head of State had inaugurated it, he said that the ministry is aware of the situation and that it is doing everything possible to supply that trading center in Muyange with electricity. He also added that the Nyaburumba district, located in the headquarters of Makamba province, is in the process of being electrified.

In the education sector, the spokesperson for the ministry reassured that the students of the Master or the Doctoral School do not have to worry that they will not have their diplomas because of non-payment of expenses. “Those who complete the training course will be able to write and sign a deed of engagement. Thus, they will pay the tuition fees when they are in the labor market, to obtain their diplomas,” he said. He indicated that the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research has initiated a dialogue with the leaders of the University Institute of Health Sciences and Community Development so that the 900 students who have completed their studies in that institution have their diplomas.

With almost eight months remaining for the National Land and Other Assets Commission (CNTB) to complete its term, Mr. Daniel Ngendakumana working in the communication service at the CNTB reported that the law provides that the leaders of that commission may seize the President of the Republic to extend the period of the CNTB, if it proves necessary to settle the disputes. Today, 25,000 disputes are registered at the provincial level and 2,500 at the national level.

In the field of health, Mr. Jean Bosco Girukwishaka, spokesperson for the Ministry of Public Health and the Fight against AIDS, recalled that the Covid-19 pandemic is still a reality in Burundi, reason why he asks the people to continue to respect all barrier measures against that pandemic. For those who say that the costs of screening for Covid-19 at Burundi’s borders with the DRC or Tanzania are high, he reassures and specifies that the commission for monitoring the situation of Covid-19 has included the healthcare costs. He also indicated that the administration and the Ministry in charge of National Solidarity will determine the vulnerable that will be able to have the Medical Assistance Card free of charge.

Finally in the infrastructure sector, the spokesperson for the ministry in charge of Infrastructure indicated that the rehabilitation works of the national road N° 3, Gitaza-Rumonge section, could begin in August 2021. Also, the damaged points of the Bubanza-Ndora road will be rehabilitated by the company that won the construction contract, he noted.