• Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

All city dwellers are called on to enroll in Buja tour 2021


Jun 3, 2021

BUJUMBURA June 3rd (ABP) – The Belgian Embassy in Burundi organized on Monday May 31, 2021, in Bujumbura, a press conference to announce the organization of Buja tour 2021 scheduled for June 6 as part of the preparation for the World Cycling Day, a check by ABP revealed.

In his speech, Mr. Charles Randaxhe, first secretary of the Belgian embassy in Burundi, declared that the Buja tour is a cycling activity which is part of the world cycling day. He said that the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed in April 2018 that June 3 would be World Cycling Day. Moreover, he continued to say, the same assembly is aware of the singularity of this means of locomotion and of the different users who have been using it for two centuries. This day, celebrated since 2018, is thus in its 4th edition, Mr. Randaxhe said.

He further indicated that the UN recognizes the contribution of the bicycle to several of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, in particular “a means of transport that is simple, accessible, reliable, clean, sustainable and respectful of the environment and which preserves the health”.

The UN also sees in the bicycle a mode of transport which “encourages the immediate creativity of its environment as well as a means of access to education, health and sport,” Mr. Randaxhe added.

The Buja tour is a bike ride and not a speed race, through the streets of the Bujumbura City Council, the first secretary of the Belgian embassy in Burundi said.

The kick-off will be given on Sunday, June 6, at 9:00 a.m., in front of the Regina Mundi Cathedral, for a 27 km course.

It is worth recalling that participation is open to everyone and must be done online at bit.ly/2Q4u15M, subject to two conditions, in particular being in possession of a bicycle and paying the participation fee of 10,000 BIF which will be used to cover the costs necessary for the proper functioning of the event, he explained.

Participants will be offered mid-course refreshment as well as a light meal and something to quench their thirst upon arrival, Randaxhe said.

Recall that security measures have been taken into account to guarantee the safety of participants.