• Fri. Feb 14th, 2025

Religious leaders are called upon to become involved in the success of Vision 2040-2060


May 31, 2024

BUJUMBURA, May 31st (ABP) – The Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD party, Mr Réverien Ndikuriyo, held an exchange meeting on Wednesday 29 May in Bujumbura with leaders of religious denominations on the role of religious leaders in implementing the vision of Burundi, an emerging country by 2040 and a developed country by 2060.

In his opening remarks, the Secretary General of the CNDD-FDD thanked the leaders of the religious denominations present at the meeting for their role in implementing the word of God in our country. He urged them to encourage their followers to get involved in development work in order to support the country’s development.

Mr. Ndikuriyo took the opportunity to explain to the participants that development begins in the family because, he said, a good home is the foundation of development.

“We are working hard to build the country, starting with the family. When homes are in good shape, so is the country. That’s why we’re working hard to discipline young people so that their homes have a good youth,” he said.

During his presentation on the vision, purpose and development model for Burundi, an emerging country by 2040 and a developed country by 2060, Alain Ndikumana, an economic expert at the Office of the President of the Republic, pointed out that the government’s vision is aimed at improving the living conditions of the Burundians and reducing inequalities. In addition, he said, the ambition of that vision bears witness to the Burundi government’s commitment to strengthening Burundi’s economic and institutional landscape and boosting performance in all sectors of activity and the living conditions of the people.

According to him, that commitment by the government of Burundi involves three main challenges, namely the structural transformation of the economy and an acceleration of economic growth without damaging the ecological balance; evidence-based decision-making and a results-based approach to management and financing; and an improvement in the living conditions and quality of life of the people, with sustainable demographic growth.

                                                                                View of the participants at the exchange meeting

To achieve that vision, he said, initiatives must be undertaken to improve all aspects of human development, taking into account the gender issue in all its dimensions.

Burundi must act on all the levers of wealth creation in order to reduce unemployment, increase per capita income, reduce monetary poverty and inequalities in access to resources, added Mr. Ndikumana.

Mr. Ndikumana, an economics expert, cited some of the rates and targets set for the 2040-2060 vision, with a view to improving the well-being of the population and reducing inequalities.

With regard to people growth, which was 2.3% in 2020 to 2022, the government of Burundi expects to reach 1.5% in 2040 and 1% in 2060. As for the fertility rate, which stood at 5.5% in 2020-2022, it plans to reach 3% in 2040 and 2.5% in 2060.

With regard to the human development index, which stood at 0.42% in 2020 to 2022, the Burundi government plans to reach 0.5% in 2040 and 0.7% in 2060. The same applies to the percentage of salaried workers, which stood at 14.2% between 2020 and 2022, with the government aiming to reach 30% by 2040 and 70% by 2060.

According to Mr. Ndikumana, Burundi’s emergence in 2040 will depend on the achievement of strategic objectives, in particular improving the State’s institutional capacities, strengthening the State’s political commitment, increasing production, improving access to energy, improving logistics infrastructures and accessibility to all areas, as well as social protection for all.

In their recommendations, the participants called on the ruling party to support religious denominations, especially those building schools, with a view to supporting children’s education.