CANKUZO, May 29th (ABP) – Development partners in Cankuzo province (eastern Burundi) are being asked to implement large-scale projects and assess their impact.
That was the appeal made by the province’s governor, Boniface Banyiyezako, at a meeting to assess the quarterly achievements of the 2023-2024 PTBA, held last Wednesday, a check on the site by ABP has revealed.
Governor Banyiyezako praised the achievements of development partners and suggested the implementation of large-scale projects.
He added that, in addition to vegetable gardens, strategies were needed to irrigate hillside fields, and to supply agricultural tractors to cooperatives in order to make the fight for the country’s vision easier to facilitate the fight to achieve the country’s vision.
“Why always grant hoes, why can’t you think of agricultural tractors for the benefit of well-organised cooperatives? “, asked Governor Banyiyezako, asking if there was no way of doing that.
On the subject of combating cases of crop theft and wastage in households, that provincial authority called on development partners to build one or more storage sheds on each village, depending on the harvest.
In that case,” said the provincial governor, “the administration will take charge of raising awareness among the population so that they can store their harvest there. That strategy will make it much easier to manage the harvest properly. He went on to call for the support of the local population in their harvest processing initiatives.
According to Governor Banyiyezako, joint field visits with the authorities and impact assessments of all projects should be mandatory.
Lastly, these partners are being urged to communicate directly with the authorities to ensure that they are working together and have the same vision for the development of the local people.