The National Assembly analyzed and passed the draft calendar of activities for the ordinary parliamentary session of December 2021
BUJUMBURA January 5th (ABP) – MPs met on Tuesday January 4, 2022 in plenary session at Kigobe to analyze and pass the draft schedule of activities for the ordinary parliamentary…
The new market of Kamenge offers more facilities to its users
BUJUMBURA January 5th (ABP) – The new market of Kamenge, inaugurated on December 8, 2021, offers more facilities to its users compared to the old buildings, a check on the…
Four people were arrested, accused of theft committed at BANCOBU
BUJUMBURA January 5th (ABP) – A sum of 150,000,000 BIF was stolen from Burundi Trade Bank (BANCOBU), on December 28, 2021, by robbers who used new information technology, the spokesperson…
People are called upon to adopt strategies leading to sustainable development
CANKUZO January 5th (ABP) – The governor of Cankuzo province (eastern Burundi), Mr. Boniface Banyiyezako, called on people to adopt strategies leading to sustainable development for the year 2022. This…
Torrential rains mixed with hail and strong wind caused serious damage Ruhororo commune
NGOZI January 5th (ABP) – Torrential rains mixed with hail and strong wind, fell on Saturday January 1, 2022, Ruhororo commune of Ngozi province (northern Burundi) and caused severe damage…
158 IDP households from the four sites in Rango commune have returned to their original villages
KAYANZA January 5th (ABP) – The communal administrator of Rango, Kayanza province (northern Burundi), Déus Babahokubwayo, is satisfied with the number of internally displaced people having left the sites to…
East African countries are called on to fight Omicron variant
DAR ES SALAAM January 4th (XINHUA) – The East African Community (EAC) has called on its six member States to protect themselves against the Omicron variant of COVID-19. “With the…