Cleanliness is one of the driving forces of sustainable development
RUMONGE, Jul 29th (ABP) – Burundi’s First Lady Angeline Ndayishimiye launched, on Friday, July 26, 2024 in the city of Rumonge, a “Zero Waste Movement” project, where she joined the…
Presentation of the six-month achievements of the municipality of Rumonge
RUMONGE, July 4th (ABP) – The Commune of Rumonge has completed a series of projects in various sectors, according to a meeting held last Thursday to present the results of…
The First Vice-President of the Senate took part in the community works of concreting two classrooms
RUMONGE, May 29th (ABP) – On Saturday 24 May 2024, the First Vice-President of the Burundian Senate, Denise Ndadaye, joined the inhabitants of the Mutambara hill in the Gatete area…
The provincial committee responsible for monitoring fuel distribution is called upon to check whether that activity is being carried out in an orderly fashion
RUMONGE, 21 May (ABP) –The irregularities observed in the distribution of fuel have been judged to be disruptive to security. That was said on Monday, 20 May 2024, by the…
A change in mentality is necessary to implement the vision of Burundi emerging in 2040 and developed in 2060
RUMONGE, May 21st (ABP) – The second vice-president of the National Assembly, Mr. Abel Gashatsi, joined on Saturday May 18 the residents of Mwange hill in the Kizuka zone of…
Braiding, a profession that provides a living for young girls and women
RUMONGE, April 26th (ABP) – The profession of weaving sheets provides a living for some young girls and women in the urban center of Rumonge and its surroundings. Those who…
Several damage caused by a landslide
RUMONGE, April 23rd (ABP) – A landslide that occurred on Friday night at around 7pm on the Gabaniro village in the commune of Muhuta in Rumonge province has caused extensive…
Laudato-Si-The Palm University has been inaugurated
RUMONGE March 7th (ABP) – The Catholic diocese of Bururi proceeded on Saturday, March 2, 2024, to the inauguration of the Laudato-Si-Le Palmier University, built in the headquarters of Rumonge…
Validation of the urbanization and development master plan for the town of Rumonge
RUMONGE March 4th (ABP) – The Ministry of Infrastructure, Equipment and Social Housing organized, Thursday in the capital of Rumonge province (south-west), a restitution and validation workshop of the master…
People of Rumonge province are called on to avoid taking the law into their own hands
RUMONGE March 2nd (ABP) – The governor of Rumonge province (southwest of Burundi), Mr. Léonard Niyonsaba, held on Tuesday February 27 a security meeting for municipal administrators, heads of provincial…